Upholding the Sporting Spirit in “SERA Tournament 2018”

Jakarta – PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA) held the “SERA Tournament 2018” for two days on July 28 and 29. The tournament was open to all SERA employees, who competed in the three sports categories of futsal, badminton, and basketball, and online game Mobile Legend.

“The theme of the event is Energy of SERA, meant to boost employees’ energy in working always with the SERA Spirit, doing activities that radiate positive energy for all SERA individuals,” SERA Tournament 2018 Committee Chair Aris Munandar said during the tournament, which was held in North Jakarta.

A total of 22 teams participated, representing each branch of SERA business lines such as mobil88, TRAC, SELOG, and IBID in the Greater Jakarta area. Matches proceeded full of sporting spirit. The three winners of each category were announced right after the matches.

However, becoming winners was not the only goal of the tournament. Most importantly, SERA Tournament aimed to tighten the close relationship between employees and to banish the boredom caused by work routine.

The tournament was expected to bring positive energy that can make employees perform more optimally. Not only that, the competitiveness and the sporting spirit shown during the tournament can be carried forward to daily work.

This is in line with SERA’s principle to keep developing the quality of SERA human resources as the main key to the company’s success. SERA individuals are expected to be able to keep producing innovations that are important for the development of even better products and services.
