Happy Independence Day, Indonesia: From SERA to Indonesia

Jakarta –To celebrate the 73rd anniversary of Indonesia’s Independence Day, SERA Group held a flag hoisting ceremony for the Red and White simultaneously in each branch on Friday (August 17). The ceremony proceeded solemnly that morning.

During the same occasion, SERA also handed tokens of appreciation to SERA individuals who have worked for 10 years. Moreover, SERA President Director Firman Yosafat Siregar handed over presents to winners of SERA Tournament 2018. The tournament was held for two days from July 28 to 29, 2018.

After the ceremony was over, various Independence Day games such as tug-of-war and cracker-eating were held. The same activities were carried out in different branches of SERA Group. mobil88 even held competitions with the theme “National Heroes”. Participants had to wear traditional costumes that represented Indonesia’s diversity.

We hoped that the activities could boost our employees’ Independence Day-inspired spirit to work. They reminded us that as Indonesian citizens, we should do our best within the environment of our family, work, and society. Happy Independence Day, Indonesia, let’s work for this country’s achievements!
