Functional Toll Road Opened for Homebound Travelers

It seems like the traffic of homebound trips in 2018 will be better than last year. One of the reasons is that the toll roads are almost finished, even some of them will be opened as functional roads.

PT Jasa Marga stated that it would open 185.34 kilometers of toll roads functionally during homebound season. The toll roads are Batang-Semarang (75 kilometers), Salatiga-Kartasura (32.24 kilometers), Solo-Ngawi Ruas Sragen-Ngawi (51 kilometers), Ngawi-Kertosono Ruas Wilangan-Kertosono (37.51 kilometers), Pandaan-Lemahbang (5 kilometers), and Sumber Wuni-Singosari (7.1 kilometers).

"This is one of the strategies applied by Jasa Marga to ensure smooth flow of traffic during homebound season and after Eid al-Fitr, without any problem occurring," Jasa Marga Operation Director II Subakti Syukur told CNN Indonesia, Friday (June 1).

However, what differentiates functional and operational toll roads? 

When compared, a functional toll road is a toll road that is not fully finished but can already be used by vehicles. The level of preparedness is higher than the emergency toll road that was used during homebound season last year.

Meanwhile, in fully operational toll road, supporting facilities such as road signs, rest areas, and gas stations are already provided.

Even if only part of toll road is opened functionally, road markings, semi-permanent road signs, and directions are provided. Furthermore, homebound travelers do not need to worry because several points along the functional toll roads will be guarded by the police.

Moreover, PT Jasa Marga are also planning to build temporary rest areas in a number of functional toll roads during the homebound season. Rest areas will be built every 10 kilometers along the functional toll roads.

"We will build temporary rest areas with facilities such as toilet and wider prayer room. These temporary rest areas will be located in one of the two lanes at the functional toll roads," Jasa Marga President Director Desy Arryani said as quoted from, Friday (April 13).

With these preparations, the traffic this year is predicted to be easier for homebound travelers. Those who are going back to their hometowns can make use of the toll road's facilities for resting, especially since homebound trip will be exhausting so that the body must stay fit.

Therefore, homebound trip must be prepared well, either in the matter of health or transportation needs. Vehicle for homebound trip must be ensured to be in top condition so that it is ready to go through the homebound route. 

It is not rare that a car breaks down on the road, which will make it difficult for homebound travelers, especially if it happens ona functional toll road that still lacks facilities.

To have worry-free homebound trips, people must ensure that their vehicles are in top condition. Even if they choose used cars, they must make sure to buy used cars with the best condition.

To fulfill this need, PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA) through its subsidiary in used car sales, mobil88,offers high-quality used cars with buyback guarantee.

This means that car offered by mobil88 is guaranteed to have complete and original documents and have not gone through flood or crash. The odometer is also not tampered with. 

Used cars in mobil88 have gone through multiple checking before they are sold to customers. When bought, the cars can be used directly for long homebound trips.

With the opening of new toll roads and vehicles in top condition, homebound travelers can enjoy more comfortable trips. The road to the hometown will be smoother and safer.