SERA Holds Iftar Dinner with Journalists

Jakarta – PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA) invited journalists to an iftar dinner at Wyl's Kitchen, South Jakarta, Saturday (May 18). The event was meant to strengthen the good relationship between SERA and media partners and at the same time discuss the current trends related to SERA's business units. 

"On behalf of SERA Group, I’d like to thank all journalists who attend this event," SERA Marketing Division Head Fransisca said in her welcoming speech.

In the event, TRAC Chief Operating Officer Agus Riyadi, mobil88 President Director Halomoan Fischer, and IBID-Balai Lelang SerasiPresident Director Daddy Doxa Manurung were present as speakers. The management of SERA Group were also present.

During discussion session, Riyadi talked about the trend of vehicle rental for homebound trips and Eid holiday season. He said that TRAC recorded up to 30% increase in demand.

"The trend is renting cars without driver because customers want to enjoy their holiday privately, more conveniently with their family," Riyadi said.

Considering the trend, he continued, TRAC offers a special promo for homebound trips and Eid holiday season, called "Ayo Mudik!" (Let's Go Homebound!), and another homebound promo using buses.

Meanwhile, Fischer mentioned a similar trend. Nearing Eid al-Fitr, the demand for used cars is usually higher about 15%-20% than in other months.

"The most demanded used cars are still MPVs, followed by SUVs and city cars. Cars with big cabin and seven seats are still in high demand in Indonesian used car market," Fischer said.

He also revealed mobil88's plan to add more branches in Bandung and Jakarta. The company also plans to expand business to Yogyakarta soon.

In the discussion session about IBID, Doxa agreed that there's a trend of increasing consumption of vehicles. According to him, purchases of used cars through auction increased by 10-15%.

"The increase is dominated by customers looking for family cars such as MPVs that can carry many passengers," Doxa said.

On the same occasion, he revealed IBID’s plan to revamp its website. The revamping is meant to answer market demand that gets even more digital now.

Sixty-one attending journalists enthusiastically listened to the discussions between the speakers. They asked questions to get more information from the speakers. Discussion even continued well after the breaking of the fast.

SERA hoped that the event could forge an even stronger relationship with media partners. SERA also expressed gratitude for all the supports the media have given to all SERA business units all this time.