TRAC Successfully Maintain Excellent Work Safety for 903,821 Operational Hours

Jakarta – TRAC, a subsidiary of PT Serasi Autoraya that offers trusted transportation rental service, again recorded an achievement. During the three years of partnership with energy company Conoco Phillips Indonesia, TRAC successfully maintains excellent work safety.

Thanks to this effort, Conoco Phillips Indonesia gave award certificate “Excellent Safety Performance 903,821 Man Hours Operating” to TRAC. The award was given at the office of Conoco Phillips Indonesia in Ratu Prabu 2 Building, South Jakarta, on Thursday (March 22).

This award is a conclusive evidence that TRAC is committed to prioritize “Kesehatan, Keselamatan Kerja, dan Lingkungan”(Health, Safety, and Environment) or K3L.

Besides that, we always ensure the availability of reliable vehicles as well as the high competence of TRAC’s drivers.

It is hoped that this trust from our customer can keep pushing TRAC to always give the best services.