Accelerating Economic Equity, Government Build Special Economic Zone

Indonesian government already launched construction and development of 12 Special Economic Zone (KEK) across Indonesia. KEKis a zone with certain limitations that encompass a certain area to hold economic function through special facilities from the government.

This idea is adopted from developing countries like India and China. They successfully built special zones that are conducive to attract investors, boost trade, and develop national tourism. 

Meanwhile in Indonesia, KEK is consisted of eight manufacturing-based KEK and four tourism-based KEK. Currently, there are four KEK already in operation, which are Mandalika, Palu, Tanjung Lesung,and Sei Mangkei.

"The flow of investment commitment in 12 KEK is promising with the achievement of Rp221 trillion until the end of July. Meanwhile, by 2030, investment in KEK can reach Rp726 trillion," Economic Affairs Coordinating Minister Darmin Nasution said, as cited from news site Liputan6.

The government stated that they are serious in boosting the development of KEK in Indonesia. This commitment is expressed in the Presidential Regulation No. 91/2017 on Acceleration of Doing Business. Thus, the investors who wantto invest in KEK will get many conveniences, incentives, and facilities.

The government hoped that with KEK, development outside Java can be spread evenly. Therefore, the government said that KEK will not be implemented in Java Island. 

Even so, surely the government cannot work alone to achieve the goal of economic equity in Indonesia. All elements must work together.

Industries in the area of KEK, for example, need the support of trusted logistics services so that their business can run smoothly. For manufacturing and tourism industries, safe and on-time delivery of goods is certainly important.

SELOG,as a subsidiary of PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA) in logistics services, helps the industries grease the wheels of business. SELOG guarantees that the goods will reach the customers safely, on-time, and undamaged.

It is hoped that industries in KEK will groweven more, so that the wheels of economy can turn faster. Furthermore, the community around KEK can reap the results with the creation of more job opportunities.