Motorcycle is still the Champion of Transportation in Indonesia

Indonesian people still need fast but fuel-saving vehicles. This is why motorcycle is still the champion of transportation in Indonesia. 

This two-wheeled vehicle is still considered as the most effective transportation solution for going through the traffic jam in the capital city. It is no exaggeration if motorcycle is called the people’s reliable vehicle to fulfill the need of daily transportation.

This is seen from the motorcycle sales that enjoy positive growth each year. Indonesian Motorcycle Industries Association (AISI) recorded that domestic motorcycle sales in the period of January-March 2018 reached 1,457,494 units, increasing by around 4% compared to the sales last year.

Moreover, motorcycle is the transportation choice of not only individuals. Many companies choose motorcycle to support their operational needs.The reason is still the same, the traveling time of a motorcycle is considered more efficient than that of a car. 

This is because several industries need punctuality in their services in order to compete. Motorcycle is considered more efficient to fulfill the need to deliver goods, foods, or medicines (pharmacy industry).

To increase efficiency, companies actually do not have to purchase motorcycles in order to fulfill their operational needs. Companies can choose to rent vehicles instead to save the cost of motorcycle maintenance. 

Furthermore, companies also do not need to bother with providing the human resources to maintain the operational vehicles. Transportation rental services usually already take care of those various needs. TRAC is one of them.

To fulfill the operational needs of corporations, TRAC, as a subsidiary of PT Serasi Autoraya under Astra, offers the service of motorcycle rental, in addition to four-wheeled vehicle rental.

TRAC provides various choices of motorcycles that can be adjusted with the operational needs of companies. Thus, companies no longer have to bother with vehicle maintenance and can focus on developing their core business.