What are the Breakthrough Made by Government to Support Logistics Sector?

Indonesia is one of the largest economy in Southeast Asia with a population of over 250 million people and abundance of natural resources in its archipelago.

The manufacturing sector is the largest contributor to Indonesia's Gross Domestic Product (GDP), which in 2016 contributed 0.92 percent to the total economic growth of 5.02 percent.

In those sector, the biggest contributor comes from food and beverage industry with 32.84 percent, followed by metal equipment, computers, and electronics industry.

Following up the manufacturing sector is the trade sector at 0.53 percent and the construction sector by 0.51 percent.

Reflecting on article by"Rank 63 in the World, Indonesia Must Fix Logistics System", logistics is one of most important sector in Indonesia.

The governmentcontinues to emphasize the utilization of sea tolls to reduce the dwell time of containers at ports.

In addition, the development is done by gathering inputs from entrepreneurs, which are done by Directorate General of Customs and Excise (DGT) in August 2017.

At that moment, the Directorate General of Customs invited members of the Supply Chain Indonesia Forum to request inputs on the latest conditions related to the development of logistics and listen to their expectations.

"Through this event, members of the Supply Chain Indonesia Forum can understand breakthrough programs, such as strengthening customs and excise reform programs, controlling high-risk importers (PIBT), progress of bonded logging centers, and e-commerce," said Director General Customs and Excise, HeruPambudi, at the official website of the Directorate General of Customs and Excise, Ministry of Finance.

He expects input fromall entrepreneurs in the forum, especially thoserelated to customs and excise that can be used to find a solution.

This also opens new business opportunities from the government to find solutions in logistics sector, which continuously been given in various ways, such as logistics services packages, to ease the entrepreneurs.

For example, when entrepreneurs need logistics business partners who can provide comprehensive services (from planning to supervision of the distribution process), they can get it in SELOG Contract Logistics service.

SELOG asPT SerasiAutoraya (SERA) subsidiary and part of the Astra Group, provides integrated and complete logistics services, from planning, implementation, to monitoring processes in Contract Logistics.

One of SELOG services are Shipping Services, which cover in-country cargo delivery, a service delivery and distribution by sea. In addition to domestic routes, Shipping Agency is also available in collaboration with Jardine Shipping Services (JSS),one of the largest shipping agency in Asia.

SELOG can also guarantee every delivery, which has become the main requirementof Freight Forwarding services. With the help of different types of transportation, they can alsoguaranteeproduct safety, on time delivery, and zero defect.

Additionally, there is Courier Services, an express courier service to deliver packages with three choices of services, same day service, next day service, and regular service.

Not only shipping services, we also offer storage and goods management services using Warehouse Management System (WMS).

The ease of solutions is expected to boost economic performance in Indonesia whose logistics field is ranked 63rd in the 2016 Global Logistics Performance Index, which has similar rank with Vietnam.