SERA Participates in Indonesian Tree Planting Day 2017

Malang – PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA), in cooperation with Malang Region V Forest Management Technical Management Unit (UPT) as well as local institutions, companies, and residents, participated in a tree planting activity on Tuesday (November 28) to celebrate the Indonesian Tree Planting Day (HMPI) 2017.

Around 700 of the total 4,800 tree seeds were planted in the same day at several spots that lack vegetation at Coban Jahe Recreational Park in Pandansari Lor village, Jabung district, Malang regency.

“Our targets are the protected forest in Malang that still have some barren hills and need more trees,” Malang Region V Forest Management UPT Head Ahmad Wahyudi said during his welcome speech.

The activity, he continued, was one of the strategies to preserve the protective function of forest, so that the forest can continue to support healthier life. Moreover, the activity was expected to boost tourism attractiveness.

SERA CSR Division Head Stefanus Handojo Kusumadjaja attended the symbolic seeds handover from Mr. Ahmad who represented Malang Region V Forest Management UPT. Furthermore, representatives of SERA Group also participated in the tree planting activities; They are from TRAC, mobil88, O-RENZ Taxi, IBID, and SELOG.

SERA’s involvement in the activity was one of the ways to express our concern in environmental sustainability.

“The forest gives a lot of benefits to us, for instance preventing disaster. If such thing happens, the economy will also be hampered. Therefore, one of the solutions is by planting tree,” said Mr. Handojo.

He also thought that this activity brought positive impact to the society. Hence, this kind of activity needs to be continued and promoted to other areas in a bigger scale.

“We need to consistently continue this kind of activity,” he added.

The activity was in line with the “SERA Plants” program and was included in one of the pillars of Environmental CSR. We hope that this contribution will benefit the environment and Indonesian people.