To Apreciate Employees "Performance, SERA Held “Employee Day 2017”

To appreciate employees’ performance, PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA) held “Employee Day 2017” at Taman Safari Bogor, Cisarua on Wednesday (December 13). Around 1.200 employees of SERA Group in Jabodetabek area (Jakarta, Bogor, Tangerang, and Bekasi), including management leaders, attended this event.

“Employee Day is indeed one of our programs to raise engagement as well as communication between employee and management leaders,” said Asep Nurhakim, project head of Employee Day 2017.

Moreover, this program was also designed as a refreshment for employees after working almost one whole year.

“We want to express our gratitute to all our employees for your hard work this year. SERA’s business performance is increasing and hopefully will improve again next year,” said President Director of SERA Firman Yosafat Siregar on his opening speech.

Employee Day 2017 was wraped up in one day. The activities are Safari journey, zumba, foam run, and performances by the employees and management of SERA Group.

Furthermore, similar events were held by SERA group’s branches outside Jabodetabek area. “They are also organizing  Employee Day 2017 based on our guideline and standard. Hopefully, they are already recharge their energies and ready to be back at work,” said Asep.