Celebrating 12th anniversary, O-RENZ Taxi donates 1,000 books

Celebrating its 12th anniversary, O-RENZ Taxi wanted to give a concrete contribution to Surabaya residents by donating 1,000 books to three community libraries in Surabaya. The donation was handed over on Saturday (November 4) in RW 03 community library in Mulyorejo.

The event was started with the slicing of tumpeng by Taxi Operation Head Andhika Pramanta. The tumpeng was then given to the representative of Indonesian Librarians Association (Ikatan Pustakawan Indonesia), local religious figures, and Mulyorejo RW 03 head. After that, the donation was handed over symbolically to the representatives of community libraries in Mulyorejo, Wonorejo, and Rungkut.

East Java and Surabaya Library and Archives Office representative Sudjarwoattended the event. Furthermore, OREN-Z Taxi also invited students and teachers from Dwi Warna Jaya kindergarten in Mulyorejo, Surabaya, to see the new book collections in the community library.

The fundraising for the book donation program was held from October 1-31. The company collected Rp1,000 from every reservation made via call center or Whatsapp by the customers.

Hopefully, this book donation program can encourage the residents to visit community library more often. In the longterm, the reading interest in Surabaya is expected to increaseso thatreading can become an inherentculture of Surabaya residents.

This book donation was also part of the company’s social and environment responsibility. This program was in line with the CSR program of Astra, the parent company, in education sector.

