SERA Shared Knowledge to PAUD Students in Sunter Jaya

PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA) conducted CSR program "SERA Mengajar" for Early Childhood Education Program (PAUD) students on Wednesday, 4 October 2017. SERA and the management of Ruang Publik Terpadu Ramah Anak (RPTRA) Sunter Jaya Berseri were working together to teach 300 students the process of making potted plants using recycled material.

The students learned to grow a plant on a hanging planter made from used plastic bottle. They were very enthusiastic and enjoying this new experience.

"Hopefully, this activity can teach students to plant at school or at home even though they don't have enough open space. They can also plant tree using recycled material so they will value every plants around us," said Rusmini, Head of Sunter Jaya PAUD Teacher Association.

Moreover, she expressed her gratitude because SERA Mengajar program has helped the school's activities. For three years, SERA has done many CSR activities with RPTRA Sunter Jaya Berseri.

"I hope we can keep working together," said Rusmini.

The CSR activity was conducted because of our concern about people around SERA. SERA Mengajar program is also inline with our commitment that reflects under education pillar.