“SELOG Berbagi” Visits Elementary School Students in Banjarmasin

On October 18, 2017, SELOG Group Banjarmasin branch held a CSR program called “SELOG Berbagi” in Madrasah IbtidaiyahDarusalam, Gambut, Banjar regency.

The theme of the activity was “Indonesia Ayo AmanBerlalu Lintas” (Indonesia, Let’s Be Safe in Traffic). The students also learned how to live healthily by learning how to brush their teeth properly. In addition, to foster their spirit of nationalism, the students were taught aboutthe national heroes who had worked hard to gain Indonesia’s independence.

The 70 students, coming from the first grade until the sixth grade, were enthusiastic to take part in the whole events. The atmosphere grew more cheerful during the sessions of singing together and prize distribution.

For this CSR activity, SELOG Banjarmasincooperated with PT Andalan Multi Kencanato share goodness and happinesswith all the students and teachers of the elementary school.

The program received warm reception and positive appreciation from the school principal, teachers, and students’ parents.Abdul Muthalib, the school principal of Madrasah IbtidaiyahDarusalam, said that this CSR activity was very interesting and inspirational.

One of the students’ parents also expressed the same opinion. “It’s very good and educational, and imparted useful information to the students,” the person said.

This time, the program combined two pillars of CSR, education and environment. On the same day, 25 plant seeds were given to the school management. The company hoped that the seeds would be useful to create a green school environment.
