IBID Invited Media to Introduced the Auction Process

IBID-Balai Lelang Serasi (IBID) invited the media to see auction process directly on Wednesday, 25th October 2017. This visit was also the right opportunity to introduce IBID to the press media thoroughly.

About 18 journalists attended the invitation. The media were having lunch together before President Director of IBID, Daddy Doxa Manurung gave opening speech. In this session, Mr Doxa also explained about the auction process in IBID and IBID's company profile.

The journalist looks very excited when they  went looking around  at hundreds of vehicles ready to auction on the day. The journalists were didn't stop constantly asking things related to auction.

Before going back to the meeting room, they observed the cars auction directly. At that time, the auction was crowded by more than 150 bidders.

Afterward, the journalists gathered back for questions and answers session. In this session, they asked for detailed explanation about auction process.

General Manager of IBID, Benhard Humisar and Fransisca as the Marketing Division Head of SERA Group were also present in that session. Ms Fransisca came to represent PT Serasi Autoraya.

At the end of the event, IBID gave three special door-prize. Then, the journalists and all management representative were taking picture together.

Hopefully, this event will give people more information about auction. Therefore, they will not be hesitant to sell or buy assets through auction.