O-RENZ Taxi driver wins“Abdi YasaTeladan 2017”

O-RENZ Taxi has gained achievement once again and proved the quality of their service in a prestigious competition for public transportation service providers “Abdi YasaTeladan 2017”, which was held by the Indonesian Transportation Ministry. On Thursday (September 14, 2017), Hari Susilo, an O-RENZ Taxi driver, was crowned as the winner on national level.

Previously, Hari Susilo has won the same competition on Surabaya city level on May 2017 and on East Java province level on August 2017.

Born in Surabaya, November 10, 2017, Hari is an outstanding employee. He was the runner-up of Best of the Best Driver O-RENZ Taxi in 2016. In 2017, Hari also received the monthly title ofO-RENZ Best Driver.

Around 51 participants from 26 provinces took part in “Abdi Yasa Teladan National Level 2017”. The aspects assessed included knowledge of traffic laws and defensive driving skill. In addition to these two aspects, assessment was also performed through focus group discussion (FGD), outbound and leadership program, and psychological test.