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TRAC-Astra Rent a Car Kembali Raih Indonesia Best Brand Award Untuk Kelima Kalinya
Untuk kelima kalinya secara berturut – turut TRAC – Astra Rent a Car berhasil meraih penghargaan sebagai merk terbaik dikategori Car Rental dalam ajang Ind.
TRAC – ASTRA Rent a Car was Re-nominated as the Best Car Rental Company
TRAC - Astra Rent a Car again received appreciation from the public with the achievement of the prestigious Top Brand Award 2017 in.
TRAC Wins Top Brand Award 2018
Jakarta –TRAC, one of SERA’s subsidiaries for transportation service, has once again won public appreciation in the prestigiousTop Brand Award 2018 in the cat.
TRAC Bandung holds CSR to coach SMEs
Bandung – TRAC, one of the transportation solution companies under PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA), held coaching for Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) players as part .
Astra Group Affco Communication Forum
Balikpapan –Astra Group Affiliated Companies (Affco) Communication Forum was once again held at Astra Infra Port Eastkal, Balikpapan, East Kalimantan, on Fri.
TRAC Officially Becomes Partner for Paser Administration in Procurement of Rental Cars
East Kalimantan –TRAC, a subsidiary of PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA) which offers the best vehicle rental service, now has officially become the.
TRAC Participates in IFPI Anniversary Celebration
Banjarbaru – TRAC, a subsidiary of PT Serasi Autoraya that provides trusted vehicle leasing service, participated in the second anniversary celebration of Ind.
TRAC Participated in Walikota Cup Golf Tournament 2018
Balikpapan – TRAC, one of the subsidiary company of PT Serasi Autoraya that provide trusted transportation rental solution, .
27 Years SERA has been Sailing the Indonesian Economic Waves
Toyota and Daihatsu are names which are most frequent to mention in Indonesia when talking about selling and buying cars. Public trust in these names remains visible u.
Service Quality Award 2018 Establishes TRAC as Best Car Rental
Jakarta – TRAC, a subsidiary of PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA), successfully maintained its title as the best car rental for the eighth times in Service Quality Awa.
TRAC Expands Business Network with PATA
Jakarta – TRAC, a subsidiary of PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA), expands network in tourism sector through membership in Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA). Th.
Dance Studio Under TRAC Wins South Sulawesi Art Festival II
Makassar – Rappocini Dance Studio under the fostering of TRAC Makassar successfully won third place in general category in South Sulawesi Art Festival held by .
31 Years of TRAC’s Journey in Indonesia's Transportation
Business competition in the transport service sector never diminishes, and gets even tighter instead. Consumers have become smarter in choosing partners, including transpor.
TRAC once again records achievement in Indonesia Best Brand Award 2017
TRAC once again recorded an achievement and proved its capability as the best brand in Car Rental category during Indonesia Best Brand Award (IBBA) 2017 event that was held.
TRAC Serves Transportation Needs during IMF-WB Annual Meetings
Bali – Indonesia was trusted to be the host of IMF-World Bank Annual Meetings (2018 AM), welcoming 15,000 delegates from 189 me.
32 Years of TRAC Serving People's Transportation Need
TRAC, which serves people's transportation need under PT Serasi Autoraya, now has entered its 32nd year. If likened to human, TRAC has b.
TRAC Dipilih DJKI untuk Transportasi Operasional Pemerintahan NTB & Jabar
Jakarta – TRAC, a subsidiary of PT Serasi Autoraya that is under the auspices of ASTRA, has been selected to provide transportation solutions for the gover.
Donation for Flash Flood Survivors in Sentani, Jayapura
Indonesia grieves again.
After tsunami hit Sunda Strait affecting Lampung and Banten, a flash flood hit eastern Indonesia, to be exact in Sentani, Papua, on .
A recertification procedure has been carried out by TUV Rheinland for PT Serasi Autoraya and it successfully kept the ISO 9001:2015 quality management standard certific.
The Provincial Government of West Kalimantan Gives TRAC an Award
During the ceremony to celebrate the 66th anniversary of West Kalimantan Province on January 28th, 2023, the Provincial Government of West Kal.
For 13 Years in a Row, TRAC Wins the Top Brand Award
Consistent in maintaining its achievement, PT Serasi Autoraya (TRAC) has won the Top Brand Award in the “Car Rental” category for the 13th time since 2010. Steven S.
TRAC Kembali Meraih Penghargaan Top Brand Awards 2020
Jakarta – TRAC, anak perusahaan PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA), memenangkan ajang Top Brand Award untuk kategori "Car Rental". Penghargaan ini melengkapi pengharga.
SERA Successfully Maintains ISO 9001:2015 Certification
Jakarta – PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA) and its subsidiary TRAC successfully maintained ISO 9001:2015 certification during audit surveillance on Friday (July 27). Th.
TRAC Awarded Best Car Rental in Superbrand Awards 2018
Jakarta – Superbrand Awards 2018 once again awarded TRAC with Best Car Rental for the 13th time. Superbrands IndonesiaChief Executive Officer (CEO) .
Customer Gathering TRAC – Futcook Challenge 2019
On November 23, 2019, in Planet Futsal, Mall Artha Gading, North Jakarta, TRAC held the annual Customer Gathering with the theme “FutCook Challenge”. The event was .
TRAC Successfully Maintain Excellent Work Safety for 903,821 Operational Hours
Jakarta – TRAC, a subsidiary of PT Serasi Autoraya that offers trusted transportation rental service, again recorded an achievement. During the three years of par.
TRAC wins Service Quality Award, secures “Car Rental with the Best Service” title for the 9th time
In 2017, TRAC’s commitment to provide satisfactory service to customers won them Service Quality Award for the ninth time. TRAC obtained the highest of the awards, Diamo.
TRAC Wins "The Best Car Rental" in 2018
Jakarta – TRAC, a subsidiary of PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA), won The Best Car Rental in Corporate Image Award 2018. This achie.
Preferred Transportation for Homecoming Season and Eid al-Fitr Holiday
Jakarta – TRAC, a subsidiary of PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA) offering transportation rental service, held a blogger gather.
TRAC Participated in Independence Day Golf Gathering
Balikpapan – On Tuesday morning, (04/08), the atmosphere of Independence Day Golf Gathering—which was attended by TRAC's m.
SERA Meluncurkan Astra Fleet Management Solution
Jakarta – PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA) resmi meluncurkan Astra Fleet Management Solution (AstraFMS) pada Kamis (31/01) di Grand Hyatt, Jakarta Pusat. Acara peluncuran y.
Jakarta -TRAC received the Indonesia Best Brand Award (IBBA) 2021, which was the result of a collaboration survey between MARS (Marketing & Resea.
Tangani COVID-19, Toyota & SERA Sebar 68 Avanza Untuk Tenaga Medis
PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA) bersama Toyota Indonesia turut serta membantu mobilitas penanggulangan virus Corona atau Covid-19 di Indonesia. SERA merupakan salah satu ana.
TRAC Is Named the Best Car Rental Provider
TRAC, one of Serasi Autoraya’s subsidiaries, maintained its positive image by winning the Corporate Image Award 2023 for the car rental provider category. Presented b.
TRAC Wins Superbrands Awards 2023
TRAC, the subsidiary of Serasi Autoraya, won its 18th Superbrands Awards in the Best Car Rental category late last year. It was announced at the 2023 Super.
TRAC Starts 2019 with Achievement
Jakarta – TRAC, a subsidiary of PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA), won a Top Brand Award in the category of “Car Rental”. This was not the first time TRAC won.
TRAC holds "HEROES", Themed Sales Forum
Bogor –TRAC held a Sales Forum in Royal Tulip Golf Resort, Bogor, West Java. The forum is an event for gathering, training, and dis.
TRAC Holds Blogger Gathering to Talk About Year-End Holiday
Jakarta – TRAC, a subsidiary of PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA), invited 40 bloggers to a gathering event themed "Planning Year-En.
Kembali Meraih Top Brand Awards 2022, TRAC Semakin Termotivasi Untuk Berinovasi
Jakarta – Bukan kali pertama, TRAC yang merupakan anak perusahaan PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA), berhasil meraih prestasi dan mempertahankan gelar juara sebagai Car Rental terb.
Jakarta – TRAC, a subsidiary of PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA), won the Top Brand Award for the "Car Rental" category. This is not the first time TRAC has.
Jakarta – TRAC, salah satu anak perusahaan PT Serasi Autoraya yang bergerak di bidang jasa transportasi, telah berhasil mempertahankan reputasinya sebagai car.
For Its Excellent Safety Management System, TRAC Bus Is Awarded SMKPAU Certificate
One of TRAC’s services, Trac Bus, developed by PT United Automobil Sembilanpuluh Utama (UAS), has been certified by the Ministry of Transportation of Indonesia (Kemen.
Satu Dekade Keberhasilan TRAC Meraih Customer Experience Service Quality Award (CXSQA)
Jakarta – TRAC kembali meraih peringkat tertinggi atau Diamond Award untuk kategori Car Rental di ajang bergengsi Customer Experience Service Qual.
TRAC Attends Inauguration of Trans Java Toll Road
Surabaya – TRAC, a subsidiary of PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA), through Astra International participated in Trans Java expedition from Surabaya to Semarang on Satu.
TRAC Berhasil Mempertahankan Prestasi Sebagai Car Rental Terbaik Dalam Superbrand Awards 2020
Jakarta – Ajang Superbrand Awards 2020 kembali mengukuhkan TRAC sebagai Car Rental terbaik selama 15 tahun berturut-turut. Superbrands memberikan apresi.
TRAC Meraih Penghargaan K3 Zero Accident 2020
Balikpapan –TRAC Balikpapan kembali mendapatkan Piagam Penghargaan K3 dari Pemerintah Provonsi Kalimantan Timur dan dari Kementrian Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi yakni Pe.
TRAC Raih Penghargaan Indonesia Best Brand Award Di Penghujung Tahun 2020
TRAC berhasil meraih penghargaan Indonesian Best Brand Award (IBBA) 2020 yang diberikan oleh Majalah SWA dan MARS bersama SWANETWORK, pada Jumat 18 Desember 2020
Hygiene Friday: Working Toward a Self-Sustaining, Stunting-Free Posyandu Near TRAC Cikarang
On November 18, 2022, TRAC Cikarang invited all residents of Rukun Tetangga 01, the Head of Kenanga IV Integrated Healthcare Center (Posyandu) and the staff,.
Trac Berhasil Meraih Superbrand Award 2019
Jakarta – Inovasi menjadi kunci penting bagi keberhasilan pelaku usaha untuk memenangkan hati konsumen. Secara konsisten, TRAC yang merupakan salah satu anak perusa.
Corporate Image Award 2019 Mengukuhkan TRAC sebagai Car Rental Terbaik
Jakarta – Inovasi menjadi kunci penting bagi keberhasilan pelaku usaha untuk memenangkan hati konsumen. TRAC yang merupakan salah satu anak perusahaan PT Serasi Autoray.
TRAC Gelar Nobar Spiderman: far from home Sebagai Bentuk Apresiasi Pelanggan
Untuk meningkatkan hubungan dengan pelanggan, pada tanggal 7 Juli 2019, TRAC mengadakan acara nobar SPIDERMAN far from home yang diadakan di CGV Grand Indon.
TRAC Is Awarded ISO 45001:2018
Serasi Autoraya was awarded ISO 45001:2018 with no major non-conformance or structured finding. It was audited by TUV Rheinland from November 20.
TRAC Syariah Inaugurates Al-Ikhlas Prayer House
Through TRAC Syariah and in cooperation with the National Alms Agency (BAZNAS), Serasi Autoraya inaugurated Al-Ikhlas Prayer House on Friday, 18 August 2023, in Pasir K.
TRAC Meraih Penghargaan Superbrand Awards 2022
Setelah berhasil mendapatkan berbagai penghargaan dari awal tahun ini, kini PT Serasi Autoraya melalui anak usahanya TRAC kembali meraih penghargaan dari Superbrand Indonesia.
TRAC Dipercaya Kemenparekraf Sebagai Salah Satu Mitra Co-branding Wonderful Indonesia
Dalam memulihkan kembali pariwisata Indonesia saat ini, salah satu upaya yang dilakukan oleh Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif/Badan Pariwisata dan Ekono.
Perayaan Istimewa SERA Day & SQC 2020 - “SERA Resilience”
Pada tahun 2020 ini, acara SERA Dayyang merupakan acara tahunan leaders forumPT Serasi Autoraya, dilaksanakan secara berbeda. Jika pada tahun-tahun sebelumnya da.
TRAC Wins a Diamond Rating in the Service Quality Awards for the 14th Time
Monday, September 9, 2024, PT Serasi Autoraya, TRAC, for the 14th time, won the Service Quality Award for the Car Rental category with a Diamond rating. T.
TRAC has Consistently Delivered Best Customer Services
Jakarta – TRAC received Service Quality Awards 2022 that was held by Marketing Services Excellent and Carre in car rental category for 12 consecutive years. This award was gi.
Image TRAC Terbaik di Industri Car Rental
Jakarta – Lebih dari tiga Dekade TRAC sebagai solusi transportasi berhasil mempertahankan citra positif di industri Car Rental deng.
TRAC Received Its 13th Services Quality Award
TRAC, one of the subsidiaries of Serasi Autoraya, received Services Quality Award for the 13th time. The awarding ceremony was held on Tuesday, June 6, 2023, in Grha SE.
TRAC Receives Another Indonesia Best Brand Awards 2022
Once again, TRAC won the Indonesian Best Brand Awards (IBBA) 2022 on Wednesday, November 30, 2022, at Shangri-La Hotel, Jakarta. In addition, TRAC received a platinum p.
TRAC Takes Part in the GATF 2022 Event
TRAC, a subsidiary of PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA), also enlivened the Garuda Indonesia Travel Fair (GATF) 2022, which took place from October 28 to October 30, 2022 at Ha.
Consistently providing safe and comfortable transportation services, TRAC once again received an award from the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub), through the TRAC .
TRAC Balikpapan Wins a 2023 Zero-Accident Award
The Balikpapan branch of TRAC won another Zero-Accident Award in 2023 after successfully maintaining its zero-accident status. The Corporate OSH Forum of Balikpapan Cit.
TRAC Receives the Triple Platinum Award at Indonesia Best Brand Award
Serasi Autoraya, specifically TRAC, received its fifth award in 2023. TRAC was awarded the Indonesia Best Brand Award (IBBA) on Wednesday, December 13, 2023,.
TRAC Receives K3 Award from East Kalimantan Province
PT Serasi Autoraya (TRAC), through two of its branches in East Kalimantan, i.e., TRAC Balikpapan and TRAC Sangatta, was once again awarded by the East Kalimantan Gove.
TRAC Secures the Superbrands Award Again in 2024
TRAC, one of the business units of PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA), once again proved its existence in the vehicle rental industry by receiving an award at the 202.
TRAC Bus dan TRAC Motorcycle Resmi Pindah Kantor
Sebagai bagian dari upaya peningkatan layanan dan layanan operasional yang lebih optimal, kantor cabang TRAC Bus dan TRAC Motorcycle merelokasi kegiatan operasionalnya ke lok.
TRAC Raih Penghargaan Atas Ketaatan dalam Pembayaran Pajak Kendaraan Bermotor
Pada Jumat, 29 November 2024, Serasi Autoraya (TRAC) meraih penghargaan atas ketaatannya dalam pembayaran pajak kendaraan bermotor. Penghargaan ini diberikan dalam rangka ac.
TRAC Raih Penghargaan Corporate Image Award 2024 Kategori Car Rental
Di penghujung tahun 2024 ini, TRAC kembali mencatatkan prestasi gemilang dengan meraih Corporate Image Award 2024 untuk kategori Car Rental. Penghargaan ini diberikan secara.
ISO 39001 for TRAC Bus Services
TRAC Bus Services has been awarded ISO 39001 for the Road Traffic Safety Management System. The certification ceremony took place at BSI Group Indonesia’s Talavera Of.
TRAC and The Grand Mansion Menteng Launched Their First Collaboration
On 26 June 2024, TRAC, a subsidiary of PT Serasi Autoraya, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with The Grand Mansion Menteng, a prestigious five-star hotel in J.
TRAC Gelar Edukasi Keselamatan Berkendara di Kampanye #TriptoSafety
Serasi Autoraya (TRAC) melalui tim Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) melakukan edukasi keselamatan berkendara dengan tajuk “Ayo Aman Berlalu Lintas” di Rest Area Pend.
TRAC Bus Raih Penghargaan Wahana Adigana dan Abdi Yasa Tingkat Nasional
Salah satu lini bisnis PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA) yang menyewakan bus di bawah naungan PT United Automobil Sembilan Puluh Utama, yaitu TRAC Bus Services, berhasil meraih perin.
TRAC Wins Top Brand Award for Car Rental
PT Serasi Autoraya’s subsidiary, TRAC, has won the Top Brand Award 2024 in the Car Rental category for the 14th consecutive year. The award was presented.
TRAC Balikpapan Received the National Zero Accident Award
TRAC Balikpapan has achieved another great accomplishment by passing the Zero Accident Award Selection, held by the Ministry of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia. T.
TRAC Opens Car Rental Outlet at Dhoho International Airport
Serasi Autoraya (TRAC) has officially opened its car rental outlet at Dhoho International Airport, which was inaugurated in late April. The outlet, located in the south.
Don’t Get Confused! Check Out the Differences between City Cars and LCGCs
Apart from MPVs and SUVs, city cars and LCGCs (Low-Cost Green Cars) are among the vehicles that have a couple of differen.
Unlock the Safe Driving Technique You Need to Master
Automotive technology has evolved significantly today, including its safety features that help minimize risks when driving.
The Secret to Toyota Innova Zenix’s Success
It’s not a secret that Toyota leads Indonesian car sales. Even the top-selling car in 2023 was the Toyota Kijang Innova Zenix, as per Gaikindo data. Its total sales l.
Heading Out of Town for Business? TRAC Car Rentals Has You Covered!
Renting a car is usually associated with holidays and trips. However, renting a car can also be used for business trips, such as employees doing business trips out of t.
Tips on Fighting Fatigue while Driving A Manual Car
Amid the rising popularity of automatic cars, some people still prefer manual ones. It must be admitted that automatic cars have a host of advantages, particularly conc.
How to Check the Roadworthiness of a Tour Bus Easily
The fatal accident involving a tour bus in Subang, West Java, some time ago attracted public attention, concern, and anxiety. .
Indonesia's Beaches Favorited by World’s Top Surfers
Indonesia has now become one of the most popular countries for wave hunters a.k.a. surfers. Various international surf and diving eve.
Make the Most of Your Holiday with TRAC’s Year-End Deals
The year 2024 is about to end and long holiday awaits. If you want to go on vacation with family or relatives, renting a car is an option you can’t overlook.
Top Car Picks for Family Vacations
The year-end holiday is the most anticipated time for family vacations. It’s no surprise that people are busy to start organizing their travel plans. One crucial aspe.
The Ultimate Guide to Comfortable Family Trip by Tour Bus
The year 2024 draws to an end. People often make use of the year-end period to engage in fun activities, such as a trip with their family.
What to Do When Your Automatic Car’s Brake Fails
Brake failure isn’t just a problem for commercial vehicles like trucks and buses. It can also happen to cars, including those with automatic transmissions.
.Be Smart in Choosing a Rental Car for Your Company, Here’s Why
Optimum business profit is the ultimate goal of a company. To reach this goal, the company has t.
Toyota Fortuner: the Tough Car with an Easygoing Side for Your Comfy Commute
When first introduced to the Indonesian market in 2005, people instantly fell in love with Toyota Fortuner. Even now, Fortuner is still one of the best-selling SUVs in .
Faktor Penting yang Perlu Diperhatikan saat Memilih Bus Pariwisata
Siapa sih yang nggak senang bepergian keluar kota bersama rombongan? Perjalanan jadi lebih seru karena keceriaan selama di perjalanan.
Perjalanan keluar kota bareng rom.
Lakukan Ini saat Mobil Terjebak Banjir
Banjir selalu jadi momok dan ancaman serius bagi pengemudi kendaraan bermotor, khususnya mobil. Semua pengemudi pasti berusaha semaksimal mungkin untuk bisa menghindari banji.
Car Overheating? Don’t Panic! A Guide to Staying Safe
Car overheating can happen anytime, but fortunately, not many times. Overheating is when the car engine temperature exceeds the limits, causing inconvenience when drivi.
Why Car Exhaust Catalysts Are Targeted for Theft
The theft of catalytic converters, or car exhaust catalysts, is increasingly common. Many victims are shocked when their car su.
More Benefits of Monthly Car Rental
There are various reasons why many people long for private cars. They range from the car’s function as a means of transportation, self-appreciation or prestige, and l.
The Right Way to Shift Gears in a Manual Car
Many people prefer manual cars over automatic ones. They’re considered ideal for beginners and are often thought to be more fuel-efficient.
5 Most Comfortable MPVs for Your Daily Mobility
Multi-Purpose Vehicles (MPVs) are among the most popular cars in Indonesia. Given Indonesians’ social nature, vehicles with large capacities are in high demand.
TRAC Buka Outlet Rental Mobil Dekat Bandara Soekarno-Hatta
Pernah kebingungan cari transportasi yang nyaman dan praktis saat tiba di Bandara Soekarno-Hatta? Kini, kamu tidak perlu khawatir lagi! TRAC, penyedia layanan sewa kendaraa.
Ini yang Perlu Dipersiapkan Kalau Mau Liburan Pakai Mobil
Diantara beragam transportasi yang bisa digunakan untuk liburan, mobil merupakan salah satu yang sangat diminati karena lebih praktis dan fleksibel. Dengan menggunakan mobil,.
Quick Guide to Book TRAC Car Rentals Online
The upcoming Eid al-Adha holiday on Monday, June 17th, 2024, offers a chance for a long weekend. Even better, the following day, Tuesday, June 18th
Uncovering the Cause: Why Bus Brake Repeatedly Fails
Frequent bus accidents in Indonesia are mostly caused by brake failure. However, the causes of .
How To Drive a Manual Car Safely on a Steep Slope
Has your manual car suddenly rolled backward when waiting to enter a steep parking lot? Or have you ever seen a car rolling backward in a queue on a steep slope?.
Perfect Luxury Buses for School Holidays
In the July school holiday, many people travel to other cities together. There are a lot of bus options .
Sewa Mobil Bulanan buat Liburan? Bisa!
Di penghujung tahun ini, apakah kamu sudah menyiapkan rencana liburan? Untuk sekedar melepas penat setelah berkutat selama setahun dengan segudang aktivitas yang menguras wak.
Beat the 10-Year Age Restrictions: Enjoy Freedom with Monthly Car Rentals
It’s undeniable that Jakarta’s air quality is deteriorating rapidly. To combat this, the Jakarta Provincial Government will implement a restriction on vehicles over.
Mau Ziarah Sebelum Puasa? Sewa Bus Pariwisata TRAC Diskon 20%
Bulan suci Ramadhan tinggal sebentar lagi. Bagi umat muslim , Ramadhan merupakan momen Istimewa untuk meningkatkan ibadah. Mulai dari puasa wajib, ibadah-ibadah lainnya hing.
Travel with Confidence: Essential Tour Bus Safety Standards
When renting a tour bus, most people focus on two aspects: price and amenities. Amenities typically relate to features that make a tour bus luxurious and comfortable, s.
Differences between Electric Vehicles and Hybrid Cars
Automotive technology is developing rapidly. In recent years, electric vehicles and hybrid cars have grown in popularity, with car manufacturers competing to develop mo.
Innova Zenix Hybrid: Powerhouse Meets Efficiency
Launched in late 2022, Toyota Innova Zenix has been a huge hit in Indonesia, outselling even the more affordable MPVs from the same manufacturers, like Avanza and Cal.
Recommended Luxury Buses for Year-End Vacation
As 2024 comes to a close, the year-end holiday season is upon us.This is the perfect time for many families and rela.
Your Guide to Renting a Car for Your Holiday Trip
Renting a car is practical when you need instant transportation for a holiday. It gives you the freedom to choose f.
Comfort on the Go: Top Business Travel Cars
It’s common for companies to carry out business trips, sending their employees to branch offices across the region or making visits related to company business.
The All-Terrain Titans: Unpacking the Benefits of SUVs
Among the various types of cars popular in Indonesia, Sport Utility Vehicles (SUVs) stand out alongside MPVs and city cars. SUVs are celebrated for their robustness in .
The Importance of Catalytic Converter for Car Exhaust Pipe
A catalytic converter for car exhaust pipes is a must-have, but many car owners don’t understand it.
Its role is vital in cars an.
Easy Ways To Prevent Foggy Windshield
One of the common problems when driving is the suddenly foggy windshield. The windshield often gets foggy during rain. Alt.
Traveling in Indonesia TRAC Car Rental Discount Rp 100,000
Looking for a car rental service for your holiday or business trip to another city? Rent a car from TRAC for your convenience. If you want to explore Indonesia, you ca.
Guide to Calculating Annual and Quinquennial Car Taxes
The amount of vehicle tax varies just like any other asset. For car tax, it is stipulated in the Regional Regulation No. 2 of 2015 on Motor Vehicle Tax (PKB).
The Financial Dilemma: Car Ownership vs. Car Rental
In Indonesia, automobiles remain the preferred mode of transportation. For urban residents, cars have evolved into a lifestyle statement, making car ownership se.
Discover The Ultra-Convenient Features of Innova Zenix
Toyota Kijang Innova Zenix is one of the prestigious MPVs. Among the line of Toyota MPVs in Indonesia,.
Monthly Avanza Rental at TRAC is Only Rp 4 Million!
People typically choose rental periods based on their needs. However, the comparison data reveal that monthly rentals are cheaper than daily rentals designed to meet pe.
Fuel-Saving Car Recommendations for Commuting
When deciding the best commuter car, a series of aspects are often considered, ranging from the vehicle’s design, feature, price, brand, and capacity.
TRAC Tour Bus Selection for A School Field Trip
The long school holiday in Indonesia, which also marks the end of the first semester of 2024, will take place in mid-June. It’s such a perfect moment to do various ed.
Ternyata Ini Fungsi Paddle Shift pada Mobil Matic
Pernahkah nggak kamu lihat pembalap mobil dengan lincah mengganti gigi persneling hanya dengan sekali sentuhan jari? Itulah keajaiban fitur paddle shift.
Fitur yang awa.
Rental Mobil Jadi Solusi saat Mobil Harus Perawatan Usai Liburan
Bagaimana liburan akhir tahun kamu, menyenangkan bukan? Usai menikmati liburan panjang, kini saatnya untuk kembali memulai ber.
Tips Road Trip Akhir Tahun dengan Mobil
Di akhir tahun ini kamu merasa jenuh karena pekerjaan dan ingin liburan? Untuk kamu yang berjiwa petualang dan suka mencoba hal baru, kamu bisa men.
Recommended Luxury Cars to Rent at TRAC
At a time when practicality and efficiency are required, car rentals conveniently combine all that, so you don’t have to buy a car just to commute. They can even offe.
Most Fuel-Efficient Cars in 2024 for Your Daily Mobility
Despite the growing popularity of battery-powered electric vehicles,some people still prefer conventional cars for their practicality and familiarity.
Tips for Choosing a Safe and Comfortable Bus for Vacation
People are always on the move for many purposes. Among them is for vacation, both individually and as a group. Today, vacation is seen not only as an enjoyment or rela.
Monthly Car Rental: A Solution for Using a Car Without Worrying about Maintenance
Today’s digital era requires speed, punctuality, and efficiency. For this reason, means of transportation or vehicles are necessary to do activities while .
Check Out These Tourist Busses Perfect for Homecoming Trip with Your Family
Going on a trip with your extended family, including returning to your hometown to celebrate Eid Al-Fitr, is certainly a fun moment you experience only once a year. In .
How to Drive Safe When It Is Raining Cats and Dogs
Most regions in Indonesia usually experience rainy season at the end and beginning of the year, associated by many of its people as the season of blessings and fortune..
How to Choose a Safe and Trustworthy Rental Service
Whether for a personal business like an outing or a corporate transportation solution for staff, renting a car for various needs has become increasingly popular. Why? Y.
Choosing the Right Motorcycle for Your Business
Motorcycles have evolved into crucial assets and instruments for supporting business operations.
They are not limited to just trans.
Going on a Mudik Trip by A Tour Bus? Pick One That Guarantees Your Safety
The results of a survey by the Transportation Policy Agency (BKT) of the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub), showed that the total number of homecomers and people wh.
Check Out the Easy Ways to Overcome Car Overheating on Your Mudik Trip
If you want to use a private car for homecoming or mudik trip, one thing you need to be awa.
Embark on a Royalty-like Holiday Trip on TRAC's Hiace Premio Luxury Bus
The year-end is upon us, and many will yearn for those holiday moments to escape the boring routines. It's not surprising that many people count down the days to the ho.
Benefits of Renting a Car for Your Business
A car for your business is important. You should consider the effectiveness and efficiency of using it to meet your company’s needs.
A Well-maintained Fleet Reflects a Good Bus Rental Company
When renting a bus as the mode of transportation for your trip, .
5 Car Features Adding Comfort to the Driver
Despite the numerous options for transportation nowadays, the car is still one of the favorites, especially for city people with mobility in their day-to-day lives.
Check Out the Government's Measures for the Eid Al-Fitr 2024 Homecoming Trip
Eid al-Fitr, or Lebaran,is expected to be held on April 11 or 12 2024. With the Muslim holiday right around the corner, most people carry out the tradition of homecomin.
Thinking of Going on a Year-End Vacation?
As we are inching toward the end of the year, many of us must be planning for a vacation. Have you a spot f.
Check Out the Complete Traffic Regulations for Eid Al-Fitr Homecoming 2024 Season
Traffic flow during the mudik Lebaran (Eid Al-Fitr homecoming) 2024 period is predicted to be busi.
Everything You Need to Know about Self-Drive Car Rental for Your Mudik Trip
Renting a car for any need, including for a mudik trip, has now been the p.
Facts 79th Indonesian Independence Day in IKN and Jakarta
The 2024 celebration of Indonesia’s Independence Day is a special one. It marks this country’s 79th anniversary and is going to be the first-ever celebration .
Four Benefits of Renting a Car for Your Business
Transportation is frequently a crucial aspect of a business, particula.
Rent a Safe and Comfortable Tour Bus, Don't be Swayed by a Low Price
It is more fun and memorable to go on vacation with family, colleagues, or friends at the end of the year. The turn of the year always becomes a special memory.<.
In the Digital Era, Renting a Car Is Easier Than Ever
New Year Holiday, Car Rental Reaps Profit
During the long holiday at the end of the year (school holiday, Christmas, and New Year 2019), car rental business reaped profit. Demand for rented vehicles, especiall.
Self-Drive Rental Has a Lot Going for It
For whatever need, more and more families choose to rent a .
Taking a Trip to Lake Toba Using an Electric Vehicle? Read These Tips
Renting a Car Improves Business Efficiency
The Most Convenient Cars to Support Business Trips
Many companies in Indonesia have their branches across numerous cities, requiring them to use cars to travel between cities.
Celebrate August with Live Music Concerts: Elevate Your Car Rental for Extra Fun
August is bustling with music concerts in Jakarta and its surroundings. Among these, the TXT or TOMORROW X TOGETHER concert is scheduled for August 9, 2023, .
Sedang Mencari Rental Mobil untuk Mudik? Pilih yang Mengutamakan Keselamatan Pelanggan
Tak terasa tinggal beberapa hari lagi musim mudik Lebaran 2022 telah mul.
Enjoy School Vacation Trip with Extended Family by Bus
Vacation time is always attached to the mind of students, from elementary school to high school and event college. It is not just the time to relieve the b.
How to Rent a Car on the TRAC Website
In today’s digital age, almost everything can be done online, from simple tasks like searching for information to more complex ones like grocery shopping and car rent.
7 Mobil Paling Nyaman buat Perjalanan Jauh
Untuk perjalanan jauh, sebagian orang menganggap kalau mobil pribadi memberikan kenyamanan yang nggak didapatkan saat menggunakan transportasi umum. Terutama soal privasi dan.
Exciting Activities on TRAC Bus to Entertain Yourselves during the Pandemic
Looking for exciting activities with family or colleagues during this pandemic is certainly quite confusing. But there is one alternative that y.
Manfaatkan Layanan Airport Transfer TRAC Ketika Harus Dinas Keluar Kota
Di era pandemi seperti sekarang ini tentunya Anda tidak ingin berdesak-desakan dengan banyak orang di dalam kendaraan. Solusi terbaik memang menggunakan kendaraan priba.
Premium Car Rental Business Shows Better Prospect
People now rent cars not only for visiting travel destinations. There are quite many people who rent cars for important moments, including wedding. It’s just that th.
Car Rental for Lebaran Starting from Rp650,000
Lebaran season equals a lot of money spent on various things. One of them is mudik (exodus), requiring.
A Professional Driver Is Key to a Convenient Car Rental Service
Hindari Tersesat di Jalan Dengan Rental Mobil yang Memiliki Driver Profesional
Perjalanan dengan menggunakan kendaraan sekarang jadi pilihan banyak orang, mengingat p.
Pastikan Memilih Rental Mobil Terbaik Untuk Aktivitas Anda Selama Nonton MotoGP di Mandalika Lombok
Gelaran MotoGP akhirnya kembali ke Indonesia setelah terakhir digelar 25 tahun silam di Sirkuit Sentul.
Selain Mudah, Menyewa Bus Melalui Aplikasi TRACtoGo Memiliki Banyak Promo Menarik yang Menguntungkan
Merencanakan bepergian bersama keluarga besar, baik untuk liburan maupun untuk p.
Have to Take Your Car to the Auto Repair Shop After Mudik? Worry Not!
Car maintenance post-Lebaran holiday may introduce a new issue. This is particularly true for .
Organizing Halal Bi-halal Event for Your Company?
Shuttle bus is among the means of transportation provided by companies to pick up and drop .
Want to Have An Enjoyable Trip with Kids?
Holidays in the midst and the end of the school year are the most awaited moments for students. In addition .
Manfaatkan Layanan Airport Transfer Untuk Nonton MotoGP di Mandalika Lombok
Antusias masyarakat terhadap ajang MotoGP musim ini tentu sem.
Tips Aman Berkendara Saat Hujan
Mengemudikan mobil saat hujan lebih menantang dan lebih berisiko dibandingkan saat cuaca cerah. Itu sebabnya para pengemudi diimbau untuk lebih berhati-hati saat mengemudi di.
Pilihan Mobil City Car di TRAC buat Harian
Dengan lalu lintas yang cenderung padat, city car jadi salah satu jenis mobil paling banyak digunakan di perkotaan. Seperti namanya, city car memang dirancang buat mobilitas .
Fuel-Efficient Bikes for Business: Our Recommendations
For a business, transportation plays a key role in achieving its main purpose: to maximize profits.
Given how significant a .
Looking for Rental Cars for Your Company? Make Sure to Pick Ones Suitable for Your Operational Needs
Amidst the ever-fiercer business competition, an effective and efficient overhead budget is crucial in generating desired business outcomes. Such a budget includes oper.
Tips for Choosing Car Rental for Your Business
Leasing a fleet of vehicles to .
Looking For a Safe Bus to Rent? These Are Things You Need to Watch Out For
There must be times when you must travel in group, be it with your family or .
Know Your Tour Bus Options for Group Travel
Rent a Car for Your Business from a Company with the Best Service
Tips to Choose Car Rental for Business Purpose
Renting cars for a company’s operational purpose is now considered more profitable than.
Before Renting a Bus, Find Out More about Its Safety
People, government agencies, and private companies frequently rent buses for transportation purposes. Re.
Tak Perlu Repot, Kini Anda Bisa Menyewa Bus Hanya Dalam Genggaman
Era digital tentu semakin memudahkan banyak orang dalam berbagai hal, termasuk uru.
Manfaatkan Layanan Airport Transfer Terpercaya saat ke Luar Kota
Saat pandemi sekarang tentunya Anda menghindari pergi dengan kendaraan u.
Government Measures to Improve Transportation and Logistics on Java Island
Java and Sumatra are the two regions in Indonesia with the highest pop.
Understanding the Car's Blind Spots is Your Key to Safe Driving
When it comes to driving, we often hear the term ‘blind spot’. It often gets mixed up with ‘black spot’, which refers to a place on a road where accidents frequ.
Spike in Bus Accidents: The Best Time to Review the Bus Safety Guidelines
Many people like to charter a bus to go on vacation together during the holiday seasons—just like last Ch.
Car Needs Repair? No Worries! Car Rental is Your Solution
Cars are crucial for many people to support their daily work and errands. However, cars can sometimes break down or malfunction, causing disruptions to your plans. It.
7 Most Fuel-Efficient Cars Perfect for Homecoming Trips
In March, Muslims around the world will observe the fast during Ramadan. In Indonesia, Ramadan is a special moment as it marks the time for families to return home and .
TRAC’s Airport Car Rental Now Available in 3 Cities
The holiday season is one of many people’s most anticipated times, and they excitedly plan various activities to spend their holiday. This is especially true for thos.
Dengan Menyewa Bus, Mudik Serasa Perjalanan Wisata yang Menyenangkan
Bepergian bersama seluruh keluarga besar dalam rangka berwisata atau keperluan lainnya kini sering dil.
Use a Bus Charter Service for “Ziarah” with Family
As in previous Ramadans, many people will visit the graves of deceased family members (ziarah) this month to pray for their souls. If you intend to go on z.
Looking for a Safe, Convenient Airport Shuttle Service? TRAC Is the Answer
The 2022 homecoming season (mudik) for Eid al-Fitr or Lebaran is just around the corner. This year’s mudik is likely to see a higher number of people ret.
Should I Rent a Car With or Without Driver? Here Are the Answers
The Lebaran holiday season is a great time for many to unwind by going on a trip to exciting tourist destinations. While people will usually travel in thei.
No Expedition Fee! Enjoy the Benefits of Using TRAC Car Rental in Airports
The year-end holiday is just around the corner, and everyone seems impatient to wait any longer. Holidays can be a stress reliever after a year full of daily schedules..
Tips on Choosing a Tour Bus for Mudik to Celebrate Lebaran
Renting a bus for mudik to celebrate lebaran with friends from the same hometown or relatives ha.
Enjoy Mudik Using a Rental Car
There are many modes of transportation to choose from for your mudik trip, or homecoming, back to.
Lebaran Car Rental at TRAC Starts at Rp 300K! Don’t Miss It!
Eid al-Fitr, or Lebaran as some people know it, is drawing closer! For some people, Eid al-Fitr is an important moment because it’s synonymous with going home to shar.
Fuel-Saving Tips for Homecoming Trip by Car
Cars have become the most sought-after mode of transportation for most homecomers during Eid Al-Fitr or Lebaran. In addition to their large capacity, cars ar.
Monthly Car Rental: A Solution for Using a Car Without Worrying about Maintenance Fees
Many people and companies need cars for transportation in a specific place within a specific period. Such a necessity .
Renting a Car for Business, Profitable or Unprofitable?
For entrepreneurs or companies, cars or other operational vehicles are among the most important assets for implementing business activities. This vehicle is .
The Importance of Providing a Shuttle Bus for Employees
Employees are one of the most valuable assets as they work to achieve the company.
Renting Car for Year-End Holiday
Year-end holiday will come soon. After going through some months without public holidays, there is no harm in spending quality time with the family. There ar.
Car Rentals Still Highly Preferred
Renting a car is still the preferred option for people who want to go on a holiday in a tourism destination. Not only it is practical, the person who rents the car do.
More Flexible, Car Rental in High Demand Ahead of Homebound Trips
Jakarta – The government predicted that the land route will still be the favorite route among travelers to go back to their hometowns. Infrastructures that are almos.
SERA Presents Technology for Transportation and Logistics Management
Vehicles are one category of important assets for a company. Without good quality operating vehicles, the mobility and the activities of a company might be hindered. T.
Going Around Hometown Comfortably Using Rented Car
Jakarta – Going back to one’s hometown is always a moment for gathering with the extended family. Because it happens only once a year, t.
Car Rental Provides Convenience During Vacation
When it’s time for a long holiday, spending time with your closest ones to do various activities, including traveling, will be very fun. So that you have .
Libur Panjang Akhir Tahun, Keluar Kota Lebih Nyaman Dengan Sewa Mobil
Libur akhir tahun sudah di depan mata, tapi masih belum berani liburan keluar kota naik transportasi umum. Solusi paling baik di penghujung tahun 2020 ini adalah dengan.
Year-End Long Holiday, Go Out of Town More Comfortably by Renting a Car
The year-end holiday is right around the corner, but are you afraid of going out of town using public transportation? The best solution at the e.
Alternatif Naik Pesawat Nikmati Kemewahan dan Kenyamanan TRAC Luxury Bus
The long holiday at the end of 2020 should not be wasted, but if you are still afraid of traveling on an airplane, there is no harm in trying to.
Liburan Road Trip Jadi Pilihan Masyarakat saat Pandemi
The pandemic that occurs this year causes a lot of people to stay at home and conduct their activities from home. But it cannot be denied that w.
Try These Activities Next Time You Are on a Bus Trip
Your holiday season will be lit if you travel with a group on a bus trip. Imagine the togetherness you can create along the way—it will surely be a moment to cherish .
Here Is a Surefire Strategy to Adopt for Your Car Rental Business
Car rentals have grown to be an industry with enormous pote.
Get to Know the Minimum Service Standards for a Tour Bus to Make Travelling Safer and More Comfortable
The roadworthiness of a tour bus as a rental means of tra.
Sewa Mobil Lewat Smartphone Kini Lebih Mudah Pakai Aplikasi TRAC To Go Terbaru
Belum berakhirnya pandemi akibat virus Covid-19 membuat segala aktivitas di luar rumah harus lebih berhati-hati. Salah satu solusinya adalah menggunakan mobil pribadi ketimb.
Bijak Memilih Alat Transportasi Aman dan Nyaman di Masa Pandemi
Semenjak pandemi Covid-19 menyerang di seluruh belahan dunia, pola hidup semua orang pun mulai mengalami perubahan, termasuk ketika beraktivitas. Itu juga yang menyebabka.
Understanding Safety Driving and How to Do It
Safety driving is necessary for drivers, especially those who frequently use cars daily. Driving skills must always be prioritized to maintain safety on the road.
Car Rental Scams: Signs and How The Company Operates
Renting cars from a car rental company is a quick and easy solution for individuals and enterprises looking for cost-effective, .
Employee Shuttle Buses for Clean Air Solution
The news about the deteriorating air quality in Jakarta gained global attention in early August 2023, leading to various community discussions and responses.
.Things to Consider When Renting a Bus for Your Group Travel
Traveling with your family, with your colleagues, or with your fellow club.
Enjoy the Comfort of Medium Luxury Bus
If you did not have time to travel at the end of last year, traveling a.
TRAC Implements Clinical Standard for Car Rental Service
Amid this pandemic, it cannot be denied that some of us still have to go to the office in order to maintain the economic cycle during this hard time. To stay.
Looking at Popularity of “Staycation” as Holiday Alternative
One interesting phenomenon in the last few years in Indonesia is that Indonesians prefer to allocate their money for traveling or vacationing rather than for shoppin.
Lepas Kunci ataupun dengan Driver, Pastikan Memilih Rental Mobil Terpercaya
Tidak melulu harus membawa mobil pribadi untuk pergi be.
Kunjungi Destinasi Wisata Ini Bersama TRAC Setelah Pandemi Telah Berakhir
Adanya pandemi akibat Covid-19 di seluruh dunia membuat segala aktivitas diluar rumah jadi terhenti. Termasuk kegiatan untuk liburan atau jalan-jalan yang kerap dilakukan.
Begini Cara Menjaga Kesehatan Saat Harus ke Kantor di Masa New Normal
Ketika masa PSBB (pembatasan sosial berskala besar) mulai memasuki masa transisi, maka artinya orang-orang sudah bisa kembali beraktivitas diluar rumah kembali, seperti ber.
Turning Off the Car’s AC to Save Fuel: Myth or Fact?
It’s commonly believed that using a car’s air conditioning (AC) significantly affects fuel consumption. Many argue that running the AC increases fuel usage, but is.
Automatic Car Driving Tips: What to Avoid
Automatic cars are now undeniably a popular choice for mobility, especially among those living in urban areas. It doesn’t take a genius: an automatic car offers pract.
Don’t Be Fooled: Here’s How to Spot Car Rental Scams During Holidays
If you don’t have a car for holiday trips, renting one is the perfect choice. Today, it’s easier than ever to rent a car. Using your smartphone, you can book a rent.
Out-of-Town Business Trip Gets More Comfortable with Airport Transfer
When going on an out-of-town business trip, transportation issue often becomes a troublesome thing. If it is not carefully prepared, the business trip will not run .
Buying vs Renting a Car, Which One Is More Cost-Effective for a Company?
A commerc.
Patuhi Protokol Kesehatan, Berikut Tips Menang Lelang Tanpa Harus Datang ke Lokasi
Pada awalnya lelang otomotif biasa dilaksanakan secara offline di lokasi penyelenggara lelang. Mengikuti lelang secara offline juga memberikan sensasi pen.
Pay Attention to These Things When Driving in Heavy Rain
Pay Attention to These Things When Driving in Heavy Rain
Driving a car does require full skill and concentration, especially when y.
The President has been Vaccinated, Are You Ready to Get Vaccinated?
The Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia has entered a new stage with the initiation of vaccination. President Joko Widodo is the first person in Indo.
Aktivitas Semakin Nyaman dengan Mobil Rental Harian
Sometimes, when our private car is being maintained in an auto repair shop or when we are traveling out of town and want to tour the place, renting a car daily can .
Comfortable Year-End Holiday with Rented Bus
Year-end holiday is just around the corner. It’s time to spend quality moments with your closest people, be they your extended family or your group of frie.
Ingin Menyewa Bus Di Tengah Pandemi, Perhatikan Beberapa Hal Ini
Saat masa pandemi yang belum kunjung usai seperti sekarang ini, tampaknya membuat banyak orang yang berpikir ulang untuk liburan bersama keluarga. Karena walau bagaiman.
Pandemi Ubah Prilaku Masyarakat Gunakan Alat Transportasi, SERA Punya Solusinya
Pandemi Covid-19 yang sampai saat ini masih melanda membuat perubahan prilaku pada masyarakat dalam menggunakan alat transportasi. Banyak yang cenderung lebih menghindari pe.
Since the COVID-19 outbreak, access between cities and provinces has been restricted to avoid the spread of the virus. Without exception, the mobility rest.
Looking for Commercial Cars? Check Out These Recommendations from TRAC
Commercial cars are no less vital than passenger cars, such as city cars, MPVs, SUVs, and sedans, particularly for your business.
The Main Function of Car Seat Belts
Unlike cars in the 1970s or 1980s, today’s cars, even the cheapest ones, now have seat belts as the safety standa.
Car Rental Reaps Profit Near End of Year
Christmas and New Year celebration is nearing. People usually make use of these moments to go on vacation to tourism destinations or go .
5 Tips to Overcome Boredom During Mudik Commute
At the end of Ramadan, many people go the distance to prepare for their trips back to their hometowns.
Funds, departure .
Negative Impacts of Air Pollution on a Country’s Economy
The news of the worsening air quality in big cities worldwide, including Jakarta, has been going around for weeks. Although each city has a different percentage of poll.
Here Are the Exclusive Benefits of Renting a Car With a Driver
Renting a car from a rental company has been a choice for many enterpr.
Check Out These Tips for Choosing a Car Rental for Lebaran
Indonesians always anticipate an annual moment when Ramadan begins: the trip to return to their hometowns (mudik). to gather with long-time-no-see family mem.
Choose a Reliable Car Rental Company for Year-End Vacation
This year-end vacation will certainly be fun because you will be able to spend t.
Take a Peek at Awkarin’s Fun Travel to Safari Park by TRAC Luxury Bus
Awkarin, a popular selebgram, recently took a short vacation to Safari Park, Bogor, West Java. This famous social media celebrity shared the exc.
Pentingnya Peran Logistik dalam Perkembangan E-Commerce yang Semakin Melesat
Bisnis E-Commerce di Indonesia semakin berkembang, seiring dengan berkembangnya dunia teknologi. Apalagi di kala pandemi menyerang seluruh dunia, semua orang tidak bis.
Renting a Car during the Pandemic? Here’s What You Need to Know
The pandemic has compelled people to avoid using public transportation. By doing so, people wouldn’t need to worry about being close to each other while going about t.
Jaga Kondisi Tubuh Saat Work From Home, Lakukan Hal Ini Agar Tetap Fit
Saat Pandemi, semua orang diharuskan untuk bekerja dari rumah atau work from home. Meski dianggap bisa bekerja sambil santai-santai di rumah, tapi Anda tetap harus memperhati.
Sewa Toyota Agya di TRAC Selama Bulan Juli Hanya Rp 2 Jutaan Sebulan
Dalam kondisi new normal saat ini, banyak orang yang sudah kembali untuk beraktivitas tapi.
Rindu Traveling? Ini Dia Tips Aman Bepergian Ala TRAC di Era New Normal
Setelah berbulan-bulan di rumah karena Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB), tentunya banyak masyarakat yang rindu untuk liburan atau traveling. Terlebih setelah pemerinta.
Direct Consultation with Experts on Used Car using Live Chat Feature in mobil88’s e-store
Currently, buying a used car has become one of the choices taken by the community to start doing their activities again, as in the middle of this pandemic, u.
The Quality of TRAC’s Drivers Does Not Lie Only in Their Driving Skill
Sometimes, when choosing a vehicle, aside from looking at the price tag, one should also keep the quality in mind. Likewise, when choosing a car renta.
Make Business or Holiday Trip Convenient by Renting a Car
Employees who often go on business trips surely understand that finding transportation is often troublesome. It is not rare that the problem becomes complicated, with the .
Large-Scale Events Successfully Boost Car Rental Growth
In 2018, Indonesia was trusted to hold several large-scale international events. Those events are 2018 Asian Games in Jakarta-Palembang,.
Aman dan Efektif, Korporasi Lebih Pilih Rental Mobil
Untuk menunjang mobilisasi dan operasional, setiap perusahaan tentunya membutuhkan alat transportasi layaknya kendaraan bermobil. Dengan adanya mobil operasional, aktivitas per.
Strengthening Air Transportation of Logistics
The Express Couriers Association of Indonesia (Asperindo) pledged to build sustainable national logistics industry together with airlines. The commi.
SERA Launches Astra Fleet Management Solution
Jakarta – PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA) officially launched Astra Fleet Management Solution (AstraFMS) on Thursday (January 31) in Grand Hyatt, Central Jakarta. S.
Libur Tahun Baru, Rental Mobil Raup Untung
Selama masa libur panjang akhir tahun (libur sekolah, Natal, dan Tahun Baru 2019), pebisnis rental mobil menangguk untung. Permintaan akan sewa kendaraan, khususnya mobil.
The Difference between Avanza and Veloz, the Separate Twins
Many people think Veloz is just a variant of Avanza. Indeed, Veloz was initially the top-tier variant of the Avanza, with some additional ornaments and slight design di.
Enjoy 50% Off TRAC Airport Transfers at Dhoho Airport
Planning to explore East Java by plane? Dhoho Airport in Kediri is now open, offering a new travel option alongside Juanda International Airport in Surabaya .
Tips for Choosing a Coach Bus for School Trips
The end-of-year holidays for students are just around the corner. After one year of laborious learning, they deserve their R and R with recreational trips to exciting p.
Online App Now Available for Car Rental Business
Jakarta- After app-based taxi or motorcycle taxi became a trend, car rentals have begun mulling over developing their own apps. TRAC-Astra Rent a Car Marketing Directo.
Christmas and New Year Homebound Trip More Comfortable on Rented Car
For most people, long holiday is a moment that must be used to spend quality time with family and close relatives, for instance, by going on a homebound trip. This incl.
Car Rental, a Comfortable Alternative for Holiday
Jakarta – The long Eid al-Fitr holiday that coincides with school break is often used by many people to go on homebound trip or ‘mudik’. Usually all family membe.
35 Years of TRAC, Flashback of TRAC’s Journey to Date
TRAC, a subsidiary of PT Serasi Autoraya and part of the Astra family, is a company that offers comprehensive transportation solution services. Established i.
TRAC Bus, Pilihan Aman untuk Berpergian dengan Rombongan
Adanya pandemi membuat banyak orang yang memilih untuk menunda liburan bersama keluarga besar. Namun ada baiknya setelah pandemi usai, Anda bisa merencanakan kembali agenda b.
Peduli Lingkungan, TRAC Ajak Wisatawan Bali Sewa Mobil Listrik
Upaya untuk mendorong kembali pariwisata di Bali terus diupayakan oleh berbagai pihak. Akibat pandemi Covid-19, Bali merupakan salah satu destinasi wisata yang terkena imba.
Sukseskan Program Vaksin Pemerintah, TRAC Bus Menyediakan Akomodasi Vaksin Rombongan
Pandemi Covid-19 terus diperangi dengan berbagai cara oleh pemerintah, agar semua bisa kembali seperti semula. Salah satu cara pemerintah untuk membantu menekan penyebaran .
Sewa Bus di TRAC Banyak Pilihannya
TRAC tidak hanya memberikan fasilitas sewa kendaraan pribadi saja, tapi juga meny.
5 Negara Dengan Sistem Transportasi Terbaik di Dunia, Indonesia Nomor Berapa?
Sistem transportasi umumnya menunjukkan kualitas dari sebuah negara dan juga kemajuan bangsanya. Untuk itu sektor transportasi juga seharusnya dijaga .
TRAC Bus Offers a Deal for Cycling Clubs
Cycling has become one of the most popular hobbies of the urban community in Indonesia. Many cycling clubs have been established as some kind of forums for c.
Here Are the Perks of Renting a Car for Eid al-Fitr Homecoming
For many Indonesians, mudik, or the exodus of people t.
Check Out the List of Luxury Cars You Can Rent at TRAC
A car rental typically offers multiple car brands and types at varied prices. Among the cars are luxury or premium cars.
This type .
Praktisnya Menyewa Mobil Listrik Saat Berlibur di Bali
Selain dapat menikmati pemandangan elok dan destinasi wisata indah, Bali juga memilik.
Which one is better, renting or buying your own car when you live in the outskirts?
Nowadays, many people buy their dream house in the outskirts of the city where they work in. These people have to commute, but they face a dilemma: Is it better to rent or .
Reduce Risks by Choosing Trusted Car Rental
Information technology makes it easier for people to develop startups, including car rentals. Car rental businesses have been mushroomin.
Year-end vacation is right around the corner. For those of you who want to go on a vacation with your extended family, choosing a tourism bus as a mode of tr.
This year-end holiday will be a nice opportunity to be together with the f.
Visit Chinese New Year Celebration Venues with Your Family by a Rental Car
Chinese New Year is a national holiday during which people visit places of celebration. Many choo.
Companies usually need operational vehicles for its management.
Now You Can Rent a Bus via the TRAC to Go Application
Rent a Bus Easily with the TRAC to Go Application
The development of the digital world has reached every facet of businesses and daily life. T.
Industry in Kalimantan Gets More Interconnected, Runs More Smoothly
Kalimantan is going to have its first toll road soon, extending 99.35 kilometers connecting Balikpapan and Samarinda. The toll road i.
Transportation Ministry Prepares 7.2 Million Flight Seats for Eid al-Fitr Holiday
The people looking to fly to their hometown to spend their Eid holiday can breathe easily now because the Transportation Ministry has.
Cara Mudah Ganti Ban Mobil Bagi Pemula
Saat berkendara, pengemudi sering dihadapkan pada berbagai kondisi yang mungkin terjadi. Salah satunya kejadian ban kempes. Meski saat ini teknologi tubeless bisa membuat ban.
Growth of Religious Tourism in Indonesia Gets More Promising
Indonesia's tourism has a great potential to be developed, not only because of the amazing wealth of the country's nature, but also the .
Toll Road Infrastructure Brightens Up Car Rental Business
Car rental business is a business that is always productive every year. (7/1/2016) wrote that car rental business is always needed by the people.
The bright.
Avoid Losses by Paying Attention to the Vehicle’s Effective Life
Pay attention to the Vehicle’s Effective Life for Maximum Company Efficiency
One way a company can improve efficiency is by optimizing spend.
Brimming with Luxury: Here Are Luxury Bus’ Features You Should Know
Now that the pandemic has been gradually brought under control, many people are plann.
Air Transportation Service Keeps Improving during Eid Holiday 2018
Air transportation service keeps improving during homecoming season and Eid al-Fitr holiday in 2018. This can be seen thro.
Time for Year-End Holiday
The end of year is the time for holiday. People often go on vacation with their families or friends in this period that extends from the end of December to early Janu.
Pesan Rental Mobil Baiknya Dilakukan Secara Online, Mengapa?
Liburan bersama keluarga terkadang tidak hanya memikirkan persoalan destinasi dan juga tempat penginapan saja. Tapi juga perlu diperhatikan dalam hal memilih penyewaan .
Go on a Comfortable Trip Around Nusa Dua, Bali with Toyota’s Electric Car
Toyota Indonesia recently celebrated its 50th birthday in Indonesia. For this reason, Toyota introduces an ecosystem that is integrated with el.
A Painless Way to Go Cycling with TRAC’s Services
The Covid-19 pandemic, which has been present for the past year, has inadvertently started a cycling trend among the communities. Currently, see.
Kunjungan Turis Asing Akan Dibuka Kembali, Ini Cara agar Tetap Liburan dengan Aman
Belum lama ini Menteri Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif/Kepala Badan Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno mengatakan pemerintah akan membuka lagi kunju.
How does the construction plan of Jakarta-Surabaya semi high-speed railway look like?
The construction plan of Jakarta-Surabaya semi high-speed railway has entered finalization phase. When the project is finished, it is hoped that the train can reduce t.
Facing Competition, Companies Start Digital Transformation
Technological development has changed how people behave in fulfilling their daily needs. Nowadays, people can do many things using digital access which is practical and.
Good Prospects Projected for Indonesian Palm Oil Business
Good prospects are projected for palm oil business in Indonesia, as reflected by the ever-increasing performance of the sector.
Can’t Go Back to Your Hometown This Year? Stay in Touch with TRAC Bus
Prohibition on going back to hometown (mudik) during this year’s Eid al-Fitr holiday has been regulated by the Ministry of Transportation and .
Sell a Used Car in Just an Hour in mobil88
Around Eid al-Fitr, people usually sell their old car and get a new one. However, the selling process of used cars generally takes a long .
Tempat Wisata Religi yang Dapat Menemani Libur Lebaran
Tahun ini suasana Lebaran masih sama seperti tahun lalu, karena pandemi pemerintah mengeluarkan kembali larangan mudik bagi semua orang di Indonesia. Bahkan untuk bersi.
Tips Sewa Bus Ditengah Pandemi Dengan Aman Ala TRAC
Adanya pandemi membuat banyak orang gagal untuk liburan bersama keluarga besar. Namun setelah pandemi usai, Anda bisa merencanakan kembali agenda bersama keluarga .
Reasons Why Mining Companies Should Use Rental Cars as an Operational Vehicle
For mining companies, an operational vehicle is a necessity that requires careful consideration. Companies often have to decide to buy or rent operational vehicles.
Nyaman Tempuh Perjalanan Jauh dengan Luxury Bus
Banyak cara untuk memaksimalkan waktu berkualitas saat liburan dengan orang-orang tersayang. Salah satunya dengan menyewa bus yang mampu memfasilitasi berbagai kebutuhan k.
Positive Impacts of Extended Eid Holiday on Tourism Sector
The government has decided that Eid al-Fitr 2018 holiday is extended to 7 days. This holiday is longer than the previous years. Despi.
Conquering the Millennials, the Most Potential Target Market
Millennials or Gen Y start to hold sway in Indonesia. Members of this generation, who are currently 18-35 years old, are the main players and at the same time the most p.
How To Make Your Business Trip Effective
There is a difference of context between going on a vacation and a business trip. However, in reality, the two merges into one, rendering the business trip.
Recommendation To Rent A Bus To Be Safe During The Pandemic
The prolonged COVID-19 pandemic makes people think twice about doing some activities or going on a vacation with their family. However, there is a sa.
Used Cars as the Ideal Option for Eid al-Fitr Homebound Trips
Jakarta – Ahead of Eid al-Fitr, used car sales keep increasing. mobil88 Chief Operating Officer Halomoan Fischer said that the growth reaches around 20% to 30% compa.
Car Rental Trend in Digital Era
Digitalization nowadays is inevitable. Almost all business segments are affected by the advance of technology, and car rental is not immune to it. Now you can rent a ca.
Car Rentals Predicted to Reap More Benefits with New Toll Roads Constructed
The administration of President Joko Widodo is accelerating the construction of toll roads in and outside Java. The toll roads are const.
Patuhi Anjuran Pemerintah, Keluar Kota Tetap Aman Bersama TRAC
Saat libur akhir tahun kemarin, pemerintah memperketat aturan bepergian karena kasus Covid-19 di Indonesia masih terus bertambah dan belum dapat dikendalikan. Berbagai .
Soekarno-Hatta to build Terminal 4 after finishing construction of Terminal 3
Soekarno-Hatta International Airport is still the main gate for flights from and to Indonesia. The airport is the world's third busiest airport in 2018, according to OAG.
Avoid Riba by Renting a Car via TRAC Syariah
The concept of halal business is developing rapidly. That goes the same for halal certification in various products. Currently, in addition to the food and b.
Business Trips Becomes Safer with a Rental Car
While working in a company, there are times when you have to go on an out-of-town official trip. Oftentimes, you also need to go on a sudden business trip. I.
Geliat Industri Logistik di Tengah Pandemi, Diminati Pengembang Lokal dan Internasional
Adanya pandemi banyak membuat bisnis dan industri yang terpuruk, tapi tidak dengan sektor logistik. Justru bisnis ini yang tetap berkibar di tengah serbuan pandemi akib.
Prepare Your Car Before Driving in the Rainy Season
The beginning of the year marks the start of the rainy season in almost all cities in Indonesia. If you have to keep driving regularly, you have.
Reaping Positive Results, Odd-Even Traffic Policy May Continue
Gaining trust to hold the biggest sporting event in Asia, the 2018 Asian Games, Jakarta and Palembang cleaned up after themselves. Various facilities and infrastructures were bu.
Running Business on Halal Concept
Halal business concept has been getting more traction, with more producers wanting to have their products halal-certified. Nowadays, it’s not only food, beverages, cosm.
Tourism Sector Boosts Car Rental Business
Indonesian tourism keeps growing. The government continues to improve it by building various supporting infrastructures, such as airp.
Electric Car: How’s the development in Indonesia so far?
Electric cars have become new alternatives in some countries amid the high fuel prices and the increase of air pollution.
Electric cars are chosen as new alternativ.
Tourism Sector Rakes in Profits During Eid al-Fitr Holiday 2018
The Eid al-Fitr tradition of homebound trip goes hand-in-hand with people's habit to go on a tour with their family. This year's Eid .
"Leisure Economy" Moves National Economy
Indonesian people, especially millennials, now prefer to spend their time and money for entertainment and lifestyle. They choose to h.
New Tax Holiday Policy A Breath of Fresh Air for Business
The government is offering tax holiday with some new terms and conditions for investors. The policy is believed to boost investment, .
Beware of misleading operational cost, rely on trusted transportation provider
Hundreds of millions of rupiahs were gradually stolenby an employee in Surabaya, using service fee as a reason to fool his company that expected a trusted transportation .
A Glimpse of Indonesians’ Saving Habit
Indonesians are aware of the importance of saving money. They save money to realize various financial plans. But what is the saving habit of Indonesians nowadays like?<.
Asian Games 2018 to Boost Indonesian Tourism
It's only a matter of months until Asian Games 2018 begins. The government targets not only the medals, but alsorevenue increase from.
Indonesian Government Prepares a Regulation for Electric Vehicles
Indonesian government plans to develop electric car and motorcycle in the country. This goal has also been supported by President Joko Widodo.
“Moving forward, p.
Indonesia Getting More Steadfast in Disciplined Driving
It is fortunate that nowadays, many Indonesians get themselves involved in efforts to increase awareness in traffic discipline. This is because disciplined driving has a .
Sewa Bus Pariwisata Untuk Field Trip, Kenali Dulu Jenisnya
Renting a tour bus remains the popular transport option for those joining group holiday activities. Many people would spend their time going on a field trip or group to.
Embarking on a comfortable trip out of town with this vehicle
Road trip recently is a popular choice for traveling, especially with family, friends, or with fellow community members.
A road trip out of town gives many .
Public transportation is still weak, is there any solution other than purchasing private cars?
Indonesia is inhabited by around 250 million citizens whoutilize various transportation to travel.
According to the data compiled by Statistics Indonesia in 2015, .
Tips Irit Bensin Saat Liburan ke Luar Kota dengan Mobil
Saat memutuskan untuk liburan ke luar kota menggunakan mobil, banyak orang yang menghitung konsumsi bahan bakar sebagai salah satu pertimbangan. Menjadi hal yang wajar mengin.
As Indonesia Faces Oil Crisis, Threat Looms Over Transport Energy Demands
Previously, Indonesia had oil reserves up to 27 billion barrels. However, only 3.7 billion barrels are left, due to years of massive production and consumption since 2003.
Renting or Purchasing Cars, Which One Is More Profitable for Companies?
To optimize profits, companies usually tighten their budget, focusing on more productive posts.
For example, some companies choose renting cars than buying,becau.
Transportation now a vital need
Waiting by the roadside one fine afternoon, Aldi occasionally checked his smartphone to track the location of the car he booke.
SERA Luncurkan Tiga Produk Terbaru Berbasis e-Commerce
Jakarta, 09 Mei 2019 – Untuk menjawab kebutuhan dan tantangan pasar dengan memanfaatkan penerapan teknologi terkini, PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA) melakuka.
#TRACattheMansion: Kolaborasi Pertama antara The Grand Mansion Menteng dengan TRAC
Jakarta, 26 Juli 2024 - The Grand Mansion Menteng, sebagai salah satu akomodasi bintang-5 di Jakarta, dibawah group Ascott International, dengan bangga mengumumkan kerjasama .
Decarbonization Collaboration Project
Tangerang (22/11) —Sesuai Indonesia Net Zero Emission (NZE) Roadmap, PT Toyota-Astra Motor (TAM) melakukan kolaborasi dengan PT Pertamina Patra Niaga dan PT Serasi Autora.
Mudik Asik Fair mobil88
Mudik Asik Fair adalah event sales mobil88 yang diselenggarakan untuk membantu customer mendapatkan mobil bekas terbaik untuk mudik. Lalu kapan dan apa saja benefit M.
Mudik Asik Fair mobil88
Mudik Asik Fair adalah event sales mobil88 yang diselenggarakan untuk membantu customer mendapatkan mobil bekas terbaik untuk mudik. Lalu kapan dan apa saja benefit M.
Garansi Mobil Bekas Berjaminan Buyback
Iwan Setiawan: Hard Work and Sincerity Bear Fruit
Iwan Setiawan, a TRAC driver who recently achieved award as "The Best Driver" during SERA 2.0, is an example of achieving SERA individu.