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SELOG Luncurkan Official Website dan Media Sosial
Sebagai penyedia solusi logistik terpercaya di Indonesia, salah satu anak usaha Serasi Autoraya (SERA) yaitu SELOG kini resmi meluncurkan website dan sosial media resmi untu.
“SELOG Berbagi” Visits Elementary School Students in Banjarmasin
On October 18, 2017, SELOG Group Banjarmasin branch held a CSR program called “SELOG Berbagi” in Madrasah IbtidaiyahDarusalam, Gambut, Banjar regency.
The them.
209 Students of SD Bangun Mandiri Visit SELOG Marunda
As part of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program of SERA Cerdas, PT Serasi Logistics Indonesia (SELOG) welcomed the visit by 209 students of SD Bangun Mandi.
SELOG Earns SMK PAU Certification
On Wednesday, March 20, 2024, PT Serasi Logistics Indonesia (SELOG) was awarded the Safety Management System of Public Transportation Company (SMK PAU) certificate in a.
Serasi Logistics Indonesia (SELOG) Raih Sertifikasi Halal
Salah satu anak perusahaan Serasi Autoraya (SERA) yaitu Serasi Logistics Indonesia (SELOG) telah resmi memperoleh Sertifikasi Halal pada Selasa, 21 Januari 2025. Hal ini men.
SELOG, the Only Logistics Company with PAS 99
In August, Serasi Logistik (SELOG Group) and all its branches completed the PAS 99 (Publicly Available Specification 99) recertification. PAS 99 is the standard of Inte.
SELOG Receives the Kaizen B2B Best Sub-Depot Award
PT Serasi Logistik Indonesia (SELOG) was awarded the Kaizen B2B Best Sub-Depot during the annual meeting conducted by PT Toyota Astra Motor (TAM) SPLD Services Log.
SERA Meluncurkan Astra Fleet Management Solution
Jakarta – PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA) resmi meluncurkan Astra Fleet Management Solution (AstraFMS) pada Kamis (31/01) di Grand Hyatt, Jakarta Pusat. Acara peluncuran y.
SELOG Takes Home Three Innovation Awards
In October 2024, PT Serasi Logistics Indonesia (SELOG), a subsidiary of PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA), won three top awards: Best Kaizen, Best Warehouse Management, and Bes.
Trans Java Toll Road Expected to Cut National Logistics Costs
The availability of infrastructures is one of the important factors needed to cut national logistics costs. Hence, the government is currently boosting the construction .
The Logistics Sector is Growing in the Midst of Ongoing Covid-19 Pandemic
As the Covid-19 pandemic has yet to subside, the community is faced with uncertainty on all fronts. The economic sector is also affected by the .
Strategi Pemerintah Dalam Pemulihan Industri Logistik Saat Pandemi
Di masa pandemi, banyak sektor usaha yang mengalami penurunan profit bahkan sampai harus gulung tikar. Untuk itu pemerintah Indonesia terus berusaha untuk memulihkan kembali.
The Meaning of Shipping and Other Terms Frequently Used in Logistics
Logistics is a pillar of business activities with a very important role in fr.
In the Face of Recession, Indonesian Logistics Sector Has a Chance to Grow
So far, logistics sector has managed to grow despite the social and economic issues arising from the pandemic. It is unsurprising because the sector, which.
Increasing National Competitiveness, Government Pushes for Digitalization of Logistics
Jakarta – The government and business players keep making an effort to digitalize logistics, including by mapping the digital logistics ecosystem in developing smar.
Government Develops Infrastructure to Keep Logistics Costs Low
Infrastructure development is a priority for the administration of Joko Widodo and Jusuf Kalla, not only to reach equity, but also to.
LCT: A Choice To Carry Heavy Equipment
Landing Craft Transport (LCT) is used to carry cargo, heavy equipment, and people from a large ship to land or vice versa. It serves the same function as a ferry.<.
The RoRo Ship: History of A Multipurpose Sea Transportation
The logistics industry is essential for economic growth, but achieving maximum outcomes requires efficient and effective logistics operations.
A Simple Guide to Weighing Your Shipment
Shipping services are the best solutions for businesses, both large and small, to deliver products to customers efficiently and reliably.
3PL: The Solution for Stock Management in Logistics
Do you ever feel like you’re drowning in shipping and storage needs? Well, you’re not alone.
Companies, especially the newly es.
Exploring Business Opportunities in Nusantara’s Transport and Logistics
As Indonesia’s new capital city, the Nusantara Capital (IKN) in East Kalimantan is predicted to offer bright business opportunities. This is because all government of.
Shipping Types in Logistics
Shipping is a part of logistics services. It delivers goods in varied quantities from one place to another.
Shipping, .
Standard Warehouse Management Practices: What You Need to Know
For manufacturing and goods distribution business operations, the word “warehouse” is nothing new.
Warehouse refers to the logi.
Trucking: Discovering Its Types and Roles in Logistics
The term ‘trucking’ is probably something you’ve heard before if you’re in business or own a transport company. Trucking, or shipping goods by land, is essentia.
10 Tren Logistik Tahun 2025
Industri logistik berkembang pesat berkat inovasi teknologi. Di beberapa negara misalnya, mulai adanya gudang pintar hingga pengiriman dengan drone. Perubahan yang terjadi bu.
Tips for Choosing a Shipping Agency
For professionals in the logistics sector, a shipping agency is a well-known concept. According to Law No. 17/2008 on Shipping.
Prabowo-Gibran's Challenges in the Logistics Industry
Prabowo Subianto and Gibran Rakabuming Raka have officially assumed the roles of President and Vice President of Indonesia, starting on 20 October 2024. Their inaug.
Understanding Shipping Estimates When Sending Goods
Among the things to confirm when sending goods through a shipping company is the shipping time estimate.
It is the esti.
Optimism about Indonesia’s Economic Growth in 2024
The national economy is believed to remain resilient despite global economic uncertainty. On the o.
How Sea Transportation Plays Its Vital Roles in Indonesia’s Logistics Industry
Managing logistics in an archipelagic country like Indonesia is challenging. Long distances, infrastructure inequality, and complicated regulations often pose obstacle.
Some Common Issues in the Logistics Industry
Logistics is the process of moving or distributing goods from one place to another for various purposes. It can be seen from manufacturing to daily consumption, directl.
5 Factors Determining Cargo Shipping Costs
While price is a major consideration when shipping goods, it’s important to understand the factors contributing to the overall cost.
Introducing Warehouse Management System and its Role in Logistics Industry
The logistics industry is not as simple as it seems. Managing thousands of goods requires a systemic workflow and .
Is Halal Certification Relevant in the Logistics Industry?
The discussion of halal certification in logistics services is getting more attention following recent issue.
Challenges Faced by Logistics Businesses in 2023
The Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) released its latest prediction on the.
Get to Know Types of Cargo Ships As Logistics Transportation
The term logistics has become increasingly prominent and well-known in Indonesia, aligning with the government’s effort to engage all stakeholders in driving economic.
Logistics Services vs Freight Forwarding: Understanding the Distinctions
Trade plays a crucial role in a nation’s economy. The trade sector is pivotal in determining consumers’ growth, which has long been recognized as contrib.
Contract Logistics: The Definition and Benefits
Logistics is a substantial and strategic process in business operations. It plays a pivotal role in boosting the company’s financial performance. Logistics involves t.
Are Overseas Personal Shopper Subject to Import Taxes? Here’s What You Need to Know
Shopping through jastip or personal shopper service is currently popular in Indonesia. Getting exclusive products without having to go onsite becomes the privilege offe.
The Direct Impact of Infrastructure Development on Business Logistics
The statement that infrastructure is the backbone of economic progress is most definitely not a meanin.
Get Ready to Profit: Logistics Business Prospects in 2024
The term logistics is becoming increasingly familiar to Indonesians as new business sectors emerge and grow while the existing ones continue to develop, prompting peopl.
Transportation and Logistics Collaboration for Economic Growth
When it comes to goods distribution for daily life, people of all backgrounds are increasingly discussing transportation and logistics.
The Prediction of Logistics Sector Growth in Political Climate
The public often perceives General Elections (Pemilu) as a counterproductive activity to the .
Tips Memaksimalkan Muatan Truk saat Kirim Barang
Dalam industri logistik, pengiriman barang memainkan peran penting untuk menghubungkan bisnis dan konsumen di berbagai wilayah. Di Indonesia banyak mengandalkan distribusi lo.
Shipping Services: Common Issues and How to Beat Them
Have you ever felt upset about the delayed arrival of the product you ordered? Or for damaged or lost product? Despite rather common, issues in shipping services are fr.
What to Look for in a Reliable Freight Forwarder
Businesses that frequently engage in exporting, importing, or inter-island shipping must rely on shipping companies, commonly known as freight forwarders or forwarding .
Pick the Perfect Truck for Your Delivery
Trucks are a crucial mode of transportation in logistics, thanks to their large size and ability to carry heavy loads. Given these advantages, trucks are often the go-.
Pemerintah Akhirnya Putuskan Pembatasan Truk ODOL
Sejumlah tragedi kecelakaan lalu lintas yang melibatkan truk jadi pemberitaan yang menghebohkan sejak beberapa waktu terakhir.
Ada banyak pertanyaan muncul tentang men.
SMK PAU, Its Importance in the Transportation Industry
Transportation services, both passenger and freight transportation, play a strategic role in social and economic life. Their role i.
Dollar Surge: Boon or Bane for Businesses?
The rupiah exchange rate against the United States dollar (USD) has continued to weaken i.
Leveraging Digital Technology in Logistics Business
As digital technology advances, social and economic structures evolve. The fast-paced lifestyle in the digital era has driven the need for a quick, accurate, effective,.
AI: The Future of Logistics Efficiency
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has gained significant popularity in recent years,with digital technology innovations bringing.
Here is the Importance Role Logistics Play in the Distribution Process
Everytime you purchase any products, do you often worry about t.
Government Measures to Improve Transportation and Logistics on Java Island
Java and Sumatra are the two regions in Indonesia with the highest pop.
Tips for Choosing the Right Logistics Company
These days, there are three requirements to meet when people need to purchase a product. The requirements in question are the stock availability, the efficie.
Warehouse Definition, Types, and Functions in Logistics Industry
When observed closely, warehousing and transportation-related activities are inte.
Ban on Logistics Transport to Be Imposed Ahead of the Peak of Mudik
Through the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub), the government imposes .
The Logistics Industry Blooms in the Digital Era
Internet-driven, digital technological advancements have chan.
Find Out about Stevedoring, the Act of Loading and Unloading Goods at the Port
The loading and unloading of goods at the p.
Revolusi Industri 4.0 Bergantung pada Peran Logistik Berbasis Digital
Di tengah perkembangan gaya hidup masyarakat yang menganut kecepatan, ketepatan, dan kemudahan d.
Understanding LCL: A Key Term in Freight Shipping
In logistics, we often come across the term LCL, which stands for Less than Container Load. This refers to the goods shipping in quantities .
Understanding Freight Forwarders and Its Role in Logistics
The term freight forwarding is familiar to many, but not everyone understands its definition and role. Indeed, freight forwarding is closely related to import and expor.
Pandemic-Era Innovations Become the Key to Sector’s Exponential Growth
Indonesia’s logistics sector (transportation and warehousing, including courier services) has performed better compared to years before. Based on data fr.
Reasons Why Transportation and Logistics Businesses Improves in Quarter I of 2022
The terms logistics and logistics management are increasingly well-known and.
Direct Impacts of Toll Road Network on the Logistics Industry
Road infrastructure plays a pivotal role in the distribution of goods for consumption and production. In particular, toll roads allow fast and timely delivery.
Electric Vehicles Suitable for Logistics Industry?
Commercial vehicles, particularly trucks, have recently become a hot topic in Indonesia.
Perbedaan Freight Forwarder dan Freight Broker
Freight forwarders and freight brokers perform similar, but not identical, jobs. Both terms may sound unfamiliar to some, as the logistics industry has its terminology,.
Pros and Cons of Freight Transport Restrictions Ahead of Lebaran
The Indonesian government, through the Ministry of Transportation, Police, and Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing, has imposed a ban on trucks on to.
The Role of Logistics and Sea Toll Road in Making Fuel Price Low in Papua
Transportation has a vital role in delivering daily necessities especially to remote areas, as shown by the fuel price in Papua.
In the easternmost province of I.
How does Thai’s Kra Canal affect Indonesia’s logistics industry?
News about Thailand’s
Kra Canal reemerges following several information that the canal’s development will
be resumed.
2018, Logistics Business Predicted to Grow Positively
Indonesian Logistics Association (ALI) revealed their view on logistics business trend in 2018.
According to them, logistics business will look positive with estim.
Toll Road Integration Guarantees Logistics Service Better
Good news comes from logistics services in Indonesia. To increase effectivity and efficiency of the mobility of goods and services, the .
Income Tax Hike Has No Effect on Logistics Sector
As an effort to control deficits of trade balance and current account, the government is restricting imports on 1,147 kinds of consumer .
Tetap Aman Setelah Libur Panjang, Pilih Sarana Transportasi yang Tepat
Liburan menjadi salah satu pilihan bagi setiap orang untuk melepas penat setelah bekerja keras. Namun di saat pandemi, liburan malah bisa membawa masalah jika tidak pin.
Smart Solution in Managing Companies’ Transportation Needs
For any company, transportation is a must. At the least, a company needs transportation to support the operation of employees with high mobility or to transport goods and e.
Get Ready, Government Begins Formulating E-commerce Tax
E-commerce in Indonesia has seen a rapid growth in the last few years. The government thus has begun formulating a new tax for e-commerce.
The growth of e-commerce i.
Odd-Even Traffic Policy Continues, Logistics Activities Still Have Good Prospect
Logistics activities have an important role in various sectors, including to fulfill the daily needs of the people. For example, the .
Traffic Volume in Tangerang-Merak Toll Road Increases: Sign of Improving Economy?
The traffic volume along the Tangerang-Merak toll road in the first half of 2018 increased by 2.13%. On average, the number of cars that pass the toll road every day is e.
Building value amid tight competition in e-commerce
E-commercedevelopment has made it easier for people to fulfill their needs. Buying fashion items, foods, hobby goods, vouchers, furniture, and even investment can be do.
Cara Memilih Gudang Logistik yang Tepat untuk Usaha Anda
Adanya PPKM tentunya membuat kegiatan bisnis menjadi terhambat. Meski begitu ada juga bisnis yang tetap laju dan pastinya seiring meningkatnya pertumbuhan bisnis Anda juga but.
Mengenal Warehouse Management System dan Keuntungannya untuk Perusahaan
Setiap perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang logistik tentunya membutuhkan alur kerja yang teratur dan juga tempat penyimpanan atau gudang. Nah, untuk bisa mengatur operasiona.
The Differences Between Regular Shipping Services and Freight Forwarding
Online businesses need logistics or shipping services to send their products to customers. The logistics service provider will become their main business par.
Online Shopping Trend Creates Business Opportunities for Logistics Agents
Communication and Information Ministry stated that in 2018 there were about 30 million online buyers in Indonesia. The number of online buyers keeps on increasing by about 1.
Infrastructure Development Continues, Logistics Business Predicted to Keep Growing
Next year, the government will still aggressively develop the infrastructures. This commitment is deemed to be able to boost growth and stimulate logistics i.
Big Potentials of Same-Day Express Service
E-commerce has hugely impacted the logistics industry, especially same-day delivery service.
According to the Indonesian Association of Express, Post, .
In E-Commerce Era, Logistics Business Gets Very Attractive
Logistics or courier service for companies is truly important for many businesses. Without this sector, products made by a company mi.
Logistics Industry Predicted to Sail Smoothly This Year
Indonesian logistics industry is predicted to improve even more in 2019. One of the factors is that logistics business players will gradually take advantage of the advancement o.
Government Seeks to Slash Logistics Costs by Improving Infrastructure
One of the efforts that the government continues making to boost improvement in the performance of national logistics system is the integration of toll roads. Currentl.
Extended Eid Holiday Does Not Affect Logistics Activities
Eid holiday in 2018 is longer than in the previous years. Nevertheless, logistics activities will not be affected to maintain the sup.
Reaping Profit from E-commerce: When Shopping Only Needs One Click
People are relying more on digital technology to get their daily needs. Buying food, drinks, monthly supplies, kitchen appliances, and even fashion items can be done ea.
Investasi di Sektor Transportasi dan Logistik Adalah Hal yang Tepat
Sektor transportasi dan logistik di Indonesia memiliki prospek yang sangat cerah dan memiliki peran penting dalam menunjang pertumbuhan ekonomi, mengingat sekitar 24% PDB Ind.
As the Logistics Sector Grows, Timeliness Becomes the Deciding Factor
In the midst of the pandemic, the logistics business is growing due to the fact that many activities are conducted online, including shopping for the needs of the famil.
Indonesian Coffee Now a Much-Loved Part of Lifestyle
Coffee drinking is now part of lifestyle, especially for young people. More and more coffee shops have been opened and many of these shops choose to use Indonesian coff.
Accelerating Economic Equity, Government Build Special Economic Zone
Indonesian government already launched construction and development of 12 Special Economic Zone (KEK) across Indonesia. KEKis a zone .
Supporting Economic Equity through Infrastructure Development
Infrastructure development that increasingly expands to every corner of Indonesia is one of the government’s efforts to create eco.
Padang-Pekanbaru Toll Road to Serve as West Sumatra Infrastructure Backbone
The first construction phase of Padang-Pekanbaru Trans Sumatra tollroad has been inaugurated by President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo. The .
Unreliable Transportation Causes Rice Price Surge; Competent Logistic Service is Needed
As the primary food ofIndonesians rice has been constantly on demand. Any problems related to rice supply, including logistics problems, would demand the government’s at.
Tanjung Priok now can serve giant ships,ready to compete with Singapore in logistic services
A 334-m long giant ship called “Otello” docked and unloaded several containers at Jakarta International Container Terminal, TanjungPriok Port Jakarta, on Sunday (Apri.
Government reforms logistics service to support local businesses
The national logistics costs accounted for 24.6% of Indonesia’s gross domestic product in 2014. Meanwhile, logistics costs made up to 40% of the retail price of goods i.
JORR Toll Road Integration Can Save Logistics Costs
The government is planning to integrate the transaction systems in Jakarta Outer Ring Road (JORR) Toll Roads so that road users only .
Strategy to Improve Company Efficiency
Inefficient business process costs a lot. Although it seems trivial, inefficient habits put a burden on a company's financial conditi.
PPKM Darurat, Layanan Logistik Masuk Sektor Kritikal
Pemberlakuan Pembatasan Kegiatan Masyarakat (PPKM) oleh pemerintah masih berlangsung di bulan Agustus ini demi menurunkan angka positif Covdi-19. Belum tahu kapan PPKM ini s.
Government Builds Patimban Port to Reduce Burden of Tanjung Priok Port
The government is currently preparing a new port in Subang, West Java, as an effort to lessen the overcapacity in Tanjung Priok Port.
Teluk Lamong Terminal Capacity Expanded to Develop Logistics Sector
PT Pelabuhan Indonesia III (Persero) is expanding the capacity of shipping container storage by enlarging Teluk Lamong Terminal (TTL).
Time for Logistics Management to Enter Digital Era
The trend of the fourth industrial revolution or Industry 4.0 moves faster in a world that is associated with digital economy. Seeing th.
What are the Breakthrough Made by Government to Support Logistics Sector?
Indonesia is one of the largest economy in Southeast Asia with a population of over 250 million people and abundance of natural resources in its archipelago.
The .
Mengenal Lebih Dalam Sektor Logistik dan Istilah di Dalamnya
Di dunia logistik, terdapat berbagai istilah yang mungkin tidak dikenal oleh sebagian orang. Memahami istilah-istilah ini sa.
Logistics role behind increasingly popular e-commerce
Online shopping is growing more popular, even skyrocketing, every day, since technology makes everything easierand therefore makes e-commerce more accepted by consumers.
NLE Remains The Government’s Focus for 2024 Economic Growth
Various groups and institutions project that Indonesia’s economy will continue to grow in 2024, following the achievements of 2023. However, economic growth in 2024 i.
Things to Keep in Mind When Using a Shipping Agency
Logistics play an essential role in business operations to transport and distribute goods. The process of delivering goods or .
Various Advantages of the Freight Forwarding Service
There are many business units within the logistics business. One of such units is the freight forwarding service. Freight forwarding is one of several intern.
A View on the Future of Indonesia’s
The future of Indonesia’s warehousing seems bright, especially if we look at the increasing annual tren.
Do Not Take Chances, Recognise Types of Logistics Services according to Business Needs
The logistics services industry continues growing alo.
Mengenal Layanan Freight Forwarding dan Fakta-faktanya
Dalam bisnis logistik ada banyak unit usaha yang dijalankan, salah satunya adalah layanan freight forwarding. Ini adalah salah satu metode transportasi internasional yang .
Dampak Virus Corona bagi Industri Otomotif China dan Dunia
Saat ini dunia sedang digemparkan oleh kasus virus mematikan yaitu Corona yang berawal dari kota Wuhan, akan tetapi dampaknya tidak hanya dapat membuat orang dapat .
Business Trips Becomes Safer with a Rental Car
While working in a company, there are times when you have to go on an out-of-town official trip. Oftentimes, you also need to go on a sudden business trip. I.
Dorong Daya Saing Logistik, Pemerintah Luncurkan Sistem Aplikasi Terintegrasi PLB
Memiliki peran cukup signifikan dalam meningkatkan daya saing nasional, pemerintah saat ini tengah terus meningkatkan pembangunan di berbagai sektor guna mendorong perbaikan si.
Check Out the Differences Between Warehouse and Logistics
To this day, many business owners still don’t understand the differences between warehouse and logistics. Many people think a warehouse is warehousing, par.
5 Telltale Signs of a Good Logistics Company
For companies, the seamless production process, all the way to the goods distribution, highly determines their ability to achieve their goals. But seamlessness alone is.
Impacts of Frequent Bans on Freight Transportation Ahead of Lebaran
One of the problems that recur every year, especially ahead of Lebaran or Eid al-Fitr, is the soaring prices of n.
Shipping in Logistics: Definition, Types, and Purposes
Transportation and logistics have always been an essential part of trade, including the exporting and importing activities it entails. Both play a vital role in how mat.
Introducing the Types of Logistics Vehicles
There are many types of logistics vehicles. These vehicles function differently co.
The Impact of a Global Recession on Indonesia’s Logistics Sector
The word recession has been mentioned a lot in recent months in the country and worldwi.
Logistik dan Transformasi Digital
Riset Asia IoT Business Platform (AIBP) menunjukkan, sudah banyak perusahaan yang mengaplikasikan digitalisasi. Sebanyak 43,1 persen industri manufaktur dan 46,2 persen indu.
4 Types of Warehouse Based on Needs
A warehouse is a place for storing goods and plays a vital role in logistics.
Without a warehouse, effective distribution of goods .
3 Facts about Patimban Port, Indonesia’ Largest Port
To enhance national logistics competitiveness for the Golden Indonesia 2045 vision, the government is constructing Patimban Port in Subang, West Java. Projected to be .
Sektor Logistik di Tahun 2022 Diprediksi Meningkat, Ini Faktanya!
Di 2022 ini kinerja sektor logistik (transportasi dan pergudang.
Tekan Biaya Logistik lewat E-Logistic
Perkembangan teknologi digital yang berlangsung saat ini menuntut segala sektor untuk terus bergerak dinamis, tidak terkecuali bisnis l.
Navigating Indonesian Logistics Policy: An Entrepreneur’s Guide
The logistics sector plays a vital role in people’s productive activities. It’s even considered .
Logistics Industry To Contribute More Significantly in 2024
Logistics is the planning and execution of delivery, storage, and distribution of goods from production centers to users. The effectiveness and efficiency of a logisti.
The Key Role of Transportation in Logistics
In the business sector, the speed and accuracy of s.
Modernizing Logistics to Improve Efficiency
Economic Affairs Coordinating Minister Darmin Nasution said that improvement is needed to make goods transportation more efficient for creating a modern logistics syste.
Learning the Downstreaming from Different Perspectives
The downstreaming (hilirisasi) is becoming popular among Indonesian citizens. The popularity started with President Joko Widodo’s (Jokowi) statement at an invest.
Port Service Financing Makes Things Easy for Logistics Players
PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) or IPC implements a new system for port service financing (PSF) facilities and services at Tanjung Priok, Jakarta, last August. The s.
Preparing for 2021, the Logistics Sector in Indonesia is Starting to Rise
2020 is full of challenges for many industries, including the logistics sector. However, since September 2020, the logistics sector is starting .
Pemerintah Kaji Jalur Khusus Angkutan Logistik
Kementerian Perhubungan mengkaji jalur khusus bagi angkutan logistik sepanjang Jakarta hingga Karawang. Kajian ini guna mengantisipasi kemacetan di wilayah Jabodetabek dan m.
Supply Chain Management for Business Growth
Managing the movement and storage of goods, starting from product inventory management to shipment to customers, is very important in the business wheel of a company. .
Hingga Akhir Tahun, 9 Jalan Tol Siap Diresmikan
Pembangunan jalan tol terus dilakukan pemerintah untuk mempercepat mobilitas. Melalui Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat (Kementerian PUPR), pemerintah secara .
Logistics Industry Showered with Blessings during Ramadan
Jakarta – Ramadan is one of the peak seasons for courier industry.Indonesian Express Couriers Association (Asperindo) stated that the demand during this year.
Logistics Challenges In Online Shopping Era
Indonesian logistics industry is predicted to grow as time goes by. In the logistics sector, business players will make use of digital technology development to increa.
Mengenal Last Mile Delivery dan Tantangannya
Di bidang logistik dan transportasi, last mile delivery merupakan tahap akhir dari proses pengiriman hingga sampai ke tujuan. Dalam bisnis, last mile delivery merupakan tahap.
Tetap Aman Menggunakan Jasa Logistik Dengan SELOG, Solusi Logistik dengan Layanan Prima
Pada masa-masa pandemic seperti sekarang ini, semua pihak diharapkan berdiam diri di rumah untuk memutus mata rantai virus Covid-19. Dengan begitu semua orang mela.
Easy and Practical, Online Car Trade Begins to Become Trend
People choose cars not only to mark their identity, but also depending on their needs. Practicality is one of the main reasons, with many people searching .
Transportation and Logistics Stimulate the National Economic Growth
Cara Efektif Mempercepat Pengiriman Barang saat Periode Mudik Lebaran
Ramadan dan Idul Fitri merupakan momen yang spesial. Tak terkecuali buat pebisnis di bidang penyediaan parcel lebaran, makanan dan kue kering hingga fashion muslim .
Top Industries Reliant on Trucking and Shipping Services
In this digital era, when business is more globally connected, shipping plays a significant role in many companies. Large companies and small enterprises alike need shi.
What You Need to Know about RORO Ships: Types and Functions in Logistics
Logistics involves moving goods, from raw materials to finished products, and is vital for economic productivity.
The effectiveness.
This is What Makes a Good Logistics Warehouse
In logistics, which includes moving and distributing goods from where they are manufactured t.
Get to Know These Most Commonly Used Logistics Terms and Never Scratch Your Head Again
Logistics is widely talked about these days. What is it, actually? It is essentially the org.