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TRAC Lakukan Pengisian Perdana Bahan Bakar E10
TRAC telah berhasil melaksanakan pengisian bahan bakar pertama E10 di pool TRAC Surabaya, Wonorejo pada Senin, 20 Januari 2025. Kegiatan ini merupakan kelanjutan dari kerja .
TRAC Bus dan TRAC Motorcycle Resmi Pindah Kantor
Sebagai bagian dari upaya peningkatan layanan dan layanan operasional yang lebih optimal, kantor cabang TRAC Bus dan TRAC Motorcycle merelokasi kegiatan operasionalnya ke lok.
TRAC Bus Raih Penghargaan Wahana Adigana dan Abdi Yasa Tingkat Nasional
Salah satu lini bisnis PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA) yang menyewakan bus di bawah naungan PT United Automobil Sembilan Puluh Utama, yaitu TRAC Bus Services, berhasil meraih perin.
TRAC Raih Penghargaan Corporate Image Award 2024 Kategori Car Rental
Di penghujung tahun 2024 ini, TRAC kembali mencatatkan prestasi gemilang dengan meraih Corporate Image Award 2024 untuk kategori Car Rental. Penghargaan ini diberikan secara.
TRAC Raih Penghargaan Atas Ketaatan dalam Pembayaran Pajak Kendaraan Bermotor
Pada Jumat, 29 November 2024, Serasi Autoraya (TRAC) meraih penghargaan atas ketaatannya dalam pembayaran pajak kendaraan bermotor. Penghargaan ini diberikan dalam rangka ac.
TRAC Secures the Superbrands Award Again in 2024
TRAC, one of the business units of PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA), once again proved its existence in the vehicle rental industry by receiving an award at the 202.
TRAC Balikpapan Received the National Zero Accident Award
TRAC Balikpapan has achieved another great accomplishment by passing the Zero Accident Award Selection, held by the Ministry of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia. T.
TRAC Receives K3 Award from East Kalimantan Province
PT Serasi Autoraya (TRAC), through two of its branches in East Kalimantan, i.e., TRAC Balikpapan and TRAC Sangatta, was once again awarded by the East Kalimantan Gove.
ISO 39001 for TRAC Bus Services
TRAC Bus Services has been awarded ISO 39001 for the Road Traffic Safety Management System. The certification ceremony took place at BSI Group Indonesia’s Talavera Of.
TRAC and The Grand Mansion Menteng Launched Their First Collaboration
On 26 June 2024, TRAC, a subsidiary of PT Serasi Autoraya, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with The Grand Mansion Menteng, a prestigious five-star hotel in J.
TRAC Wins Top Brand Award for Car Rental
PT Serasi Autoraya’s subsidiary, TRAC, has won the Top Brand Award 2024 in the Car Rental category for the 14th consecutive year. The award was presented.
TRAC Opens Car Rental Outlet at Dhoho International Airport
Serasi Autoraya (TRAC) has officially opened its car rental outlet at Dhoho International Airport, which was inaugurated in late April. The outlet, located in the south.
TRAC Receives the Triple Platinum Award at Indonesia Best Brand Award
Serasi Autoraya, specifically TRAC, received its fifth award in 2023. TRAC was awarded the Indonesia Best Brand Award (IBBA) on Wednesday, December 13, 2023,.
TRAC Wins Superbrands Awards 2023
TRAC, the subsidiary of Serasi Autoraya, won its 18th Superbrands Awards in the Best Car Rental category late last year. It was announced at the 2023 Super.
TRAC Is Named the Best Car Rental Provider
TRAC, one of Serasi Autoraya’s subsidiaries, maintained its positive image by winning the Corporate Image Award 2023 for the car rental provider category. Presented b.
TRAC Balikpapan Wins a 2023 Zero-Accident Award
The Balikpapan branch of TRAC won another Zero-Accident Award in 2023 after successfully maintaining its zero-accident status. The Corporate OSH Forum of Balikpapan Cit.
Consistently providing safe and comfortable transportation services, TRAC once again received an award from the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub), through the TRAC .
TRAC Syariah Inaugurates Al-Ikhlas Prayer House
Through TRAC Syariah and in cooperation with the National Alms Agency (BAZNAS), Serasi Autoraya inaugurated Al-Ikhlas Prayer House on Friday, 18 August 2023, in Pasir K.
TRAC Is Awarded ISO 45001:2018
Serasi Autoraya was awarded ISO 45001:2018 with no major non-conformance or structured finding. It was audited by TUV Rheinland from November 20.
TRAC Received Its 13th Services Quality Award
TRAC, one of the subsidiaries of Serasi Autoraya, received Services Quality Award for the 13th time. The awarding ceremony was held on Tuesday, June 6, 2023, in Grha SE.
For 13 Years in a Row, TRAC Wins the Top Brand Award
Consistent in maintaining its achievement, PT Serasi Autoraya (TRAC) has won the Top Brand Award in the “Car Rental” category for the 13th time since 2010. Steven S.
The Provincial Government of West Kalimantan Gives TRAC an Award
During the ceremony to celebrate the 66th anniversary of West Kalimantan Province on January 28th, 2023, the Provincial Government of West Kal.
For Its Excellent Safety Management System, TRAC Bus Is Awarded SMKPAU Certificate
One of TRAC’s services, Trac Bus, developed by PT United Automobil Sembilanpuluh Utama (UAS), has been certified by the Ministry of Transportation of Indonesia (Kemen.
Hygiene Friday: Working Toward a Self-Sustaining, Stunting-Free Posyandu Near TRAC Cikarang
On November 18, 2022, TRAC Cikarang invited all residents of Rukun Tetangga 01, the Head of Kenanga IV Integrated Healthcare Center (Posyandu) and the staff,.
TRAC Receives Another Indonesia Best Brand Awards 2022
Once again, TRAC won the Indonesian Best Brand Awards (IBBA) 2022 on Wednesday, November 30, 2022, at Shangri-La Hotel, Jakarta. In addition, TRAC received a platinum p.
TRAC Meraih Penghargaan Superbrand Awards 2022
Setelah berhasil mendapatkan berbagai penghargaan dari awal tahun ini, kini PT Serasi Autoraya melalui anak usahanya TRAC kembali meraih penghargaan dari Superbrand Indonesia.
TRAC Takes Part in the GATF 2022 Event
TRAC, a subsidiary of PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA), also enlivened the Garuda Indonesia Travel Fair (GATF) 2022, which took place from October 28 to October 30, 2022 at Ha.
A recertification procedure has been carried out by TUV Rheinland for PT Serasi Autoraya and it successfully kept the ISO 9001:2015 quality management standard certific.
TRAC has Consistently Delivered Best Customer Services
Jakarta – TRAC received Service Quality Awards 2022 that was held by Marketing Services Excellent and Carre in car rental category for 12 consecutive years. This award was gi.
Jakarta -TRAC received the Indonesia Best Brand Award (IBBA) 2021, which was the result of a collaboration survey between MARS (Marketing & Resea.
TRAC Dipilih DJKI untuk Transportasi Operasional Pemerintahan NTB & Jabar
Jakarta – TRAC, a subsidiary of PT Serasi Autoraya that is under the auspices of ASTRA, has been selected to provide transportation solutions for the gover.
Jakarta – TRAC, salah satu anak perusahaan PT Serasi Autoraya yang bergerak di bidang jasa transportasi, telah berhasil mempertahankan reputasinya sebagai car.
Jakarta – TRAC, a subsidiary of PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA), won the Top Brand Award for the "Car Rental" category. This is not the first time TRAC has.
Kembali Menjadi Yang Terbaik, TRAC Meraih Top Brand Awards 2021
Jakarta – TRAC, anak perusahaan PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA), memenangkan ajang Top Brand Award untuk kategori "Car Rental". Bukan kali pertama TRAC meraih pres.
TRAC Dipercaya Kemenparekraf Sebagai Salah Satu Mitra Co-branding Wonderful Indonesia
Dalam memulihkan kembali pariwisata Indonesia saat ini, salah satu upaya yang dilakukan oleh Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif/Badan Pariwisata dan Ekono.
TRAC Meraih Penghargaan K3 Zero Accident 2020
Balikpapan –TRAC Balikpapan kembali mendapatkan Piagam Penghargaan K3 dari Pemerintah Provonsi Kalimantan Timur dan dari Kementrian Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi yakni Pe.
TRAC Raih Penghargaan Indonesia Best Brand Award Di Penghujung Tahun 2020
TRAC berhasil meraih penghargaan Indonesian Best Brand Award (IBBA) 2020 yang diberikan oleh Majalah SWA dan MARS bersama SWANETWORK, pada Jumat 18 Desember 2020
TRAC Berhasil Mempertahankan Prestasi Sebagai Car Rental Terbaik Dalam Superbrand Awards 2020
Jakarta – Ajang Superbrand Awards 2020 kembali mengukuhkan TRAC sebagai Car Rental terbaik selama 15 tahun berturut-turut. Superbrands memberikan apresi.
34 Tahun TRAC Melayani Dan Memberikan Solusi Transportasi Untuk Kebutuhan Mobilitas Masyarakat
TRAC, yang merupakan perusahan penyedia layanan solusi transportasi di bawah naungan PT Serasi Autoraya, kini memasuki usia 34 tahun dalam melayani kebutuhan transportasi .
PT Serasi Autoraya Berhasil Mempertahankan Sertifikat ISO 9001:2015
Pada tanggal 24 Juli 2020, PT Serasi Autoraya dinyatakan berhasil mempertahankan sertifikat ISO 9001:2015 yang telah disandang oleh SERA sejak tahun 2004. Sertifikat ISO .
TRAC Kembali Meraih Penghargaan Top Brand Awards 2020
Jakarta – TRAC, anak perusahaan PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA), memenangkan ajang Top Brand Award untuk kategori "Car Rental". Penghargaan ini melengkapi pengharga.
TRAC Again Records Achievement In Indonesia Best Brand Award 2019
TRAC again recorded an achievement and proved that it was the best brand in the Car Rental category in the Indonesia Best Brand Award (IBBA) 2019. The awarding ceremony.
Customer Gathering TRAC – Futcook Challenge 2019
On November 23, 2019, in Planet Futsal, Mall Artha Gading, North Jakarta, TRAC held the annual Customer Gathering with the theme “FutCook Challenge”. The event was .
Corporate Image Award 2019 Mengukuhkan TRAC sebagai Car Rental Terbaik
Jakarta – Inovasi menjadi kunci penting bagi keberhasilan pelaku usaha untuk memenangkan hati konsumen. TRAC yang merupakan salah satu anak perusahaan PT Serasi Autoray.
Trac Berhasil Meraih Superbrand Award 2019
Jakarta – Inovasi menjadi kunci penting bagi keberhasilan pelaku usaha untuk memenangkan hati konsumen. Secara konsisten, TRAC yang merupakan salah satu anak perusa.
TRAC Gelar Nobar Spiderman: far from home Sebagai Bentuk Apresiasi Pelanggan
Untuk meningkatkan hubungan dengan pelanggan, pada tanggal 7 Juli 2019, TRAC mengadakan acara nobar SPIDERMAN far from home yang diadakan di CGV Grand Indon.
TRAC Starts 2019 with Achievement
Jakarta – TRAC, a subsidiary of PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA), won a Top Brand Award in the category of “Car Rental”. This was not the first time TRAC won.
TRAC Attends Inauguration of Trans Java Toll Road
Surabaya – TRAC, a subsidiary of PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA), through Astra International participated in Trans Java expedition from Surabaya to Semarang on Satu.
TRAC Holds Blogger Gathering to Talk About Year-End Holiday
Jakarta – TRAC, a subsidiary of PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA), invited 40 bloggers to a gathering event themed "Planning Year-En.
TRAC Serves Transportation Needs during IMF-WB Annual Meetings
Bali – Indonesia was trusted to be the host of IMF-World Bank Annual Meetings (2018 AM), welcoming 15,000 delegates from 189 me.
32 Years of TRAC Serving People's Transportation Need
TRAC, which serves people's transportation need under PT Serasi Autoraya, now has entered its 32nd year. If likened to human, TRAC has b.
TRAC Participated in Walikota Cup Golf Tournament 2018
Balikpapan – TRAC, one of the subsidiary company of PT Serasi Autoraya that provide trusted transportation rental solution, .
TRAC Participated in Independence Day Golf Gathering
Balikpapan – On Tuesday morning, (04/08), the atmosphere of Independence Day Golf Gathering—which was attended by TRAC's m.
Service Quality Award 2018 Establishes TRAC as Best Car Rental
Jakarta – TRAC, a subsidiary of PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA), successfully maintained its title as the best car rental for the eighth times in Service Quality Awa.
TRAC Awarded Best Car Rental in Superbrand Awards 2018
Jakarta – Superbrand Awards 2018 once again awarded TRAC with Best Car Rental for the 13th time. Superbrands IndonesiaChief Executive Officer (CEO) .
TRAC Wins "The Best Car Rental" in 2018
Jakarta – TRAC, a subsidiary of PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA), won The Best Car Rental in Corporate Image Award 2018. This achie.
Preferred Transportation for Homecoming Season and Eid al-Fitr Holiday
Jakarta – TRAC, a subsidiary of PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA) offering transportation rental service, held a blogger gather.
TRAC Participates in IFPI Anniversary Celebration
Banjarbaru – TRAC, a subsidiary of PT Serasi Autoraya that provides trusted vehicle leasing service, participated in the second anniversary celebration of Ind.
TRAC Successfully Maintain Excellent Work Safety for 903,821 Operational Hours
Jakarta – TRAC, a subsidiary of PT Serasi Autoraya that offers trusted transportation rental service, again recorded an achievement. During the three years of par.
TRAC Officially Becomes Partner for Paser Administration in Procurement of Rental Cars
East Kalimantan –TRAC, a subsidiary of PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA) which offers the best vehicle rental service, now has officially become the.
TRAC Wins Top Brand Award 2018
Jakarta –TRAC, one of SERA’s subsidiaries for transportation service, has once again won public appreciation in the prestigiousTop Brand Award 2018 in the cat.
TRAC once again records achievement in Indonesia Best Brand Award 2017
TRAC once again recorded an achievement and proved its capability as the best brand in Car Rental category during Indonesia Best Brand Award (IBBA) 2017 event that was held.
31 Years of TRAC’s Journey in Indonesia's Transportation
Business competition in the transport service sector never diminishes, and gets even tighter instead. Consumers have become smarter in choosing partners, including transpor.
TRAC wins Service Quality Award, secures “Car Rental with the Best Service” title for the 9th time
In 2017, TRAC’s commitment to provide satisfactory service to customers won them Service Quality Award for the ninth time. TRAC obtained the highest of the awards, Diamo.
TRAC – ASTRA Rent a Car was Re-nominated as the Best Car Rental Company
TRAC - Astra Rent a Car again received appreciation from the public with the achievement of the prestigious Top Brand Award 2017 in.
TRAC-Astra Rent a Car Kembali Raih Indonesia Best Brand Award Untuk Kelima Kalinya
Untuk kelima kalinya secara berturut – turut TRAC – Astra Rent a Car berhasil meraih penghargaan sebagai merk terbaik dikategori Car Rental dalam ajang Ind.