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SELOG Luncurkan Official Website dan Media Sosial
Sebagai penyedia solusi logistik terpercaya di Indonesia, salah satu anak usaha Serasi Autoraya (SERA) yaitu SELOG kini resmi meluncurkan website dan sosial media resmi untu.
Serasi Logistics Indonesia (SELOG) Raih Sertifikasi Halal
Salah satu anak perusahaan Serasi Autoraya (SERA) yaitu Serasi Logistics Indonesia (SELOG) telah resmi memperoleh Sertifikasi Halal pada Selasa, 21 Januari 2025. Hal ini men.
SELOG Takes Home Three Innovation Awards
In October 2024, PT Serasi Logistics Indonesia (SELOG), a subsidiary of PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA), won three top awards: Best Kaizen, Best Warehouse Management, and Bes.
SELOG Earns SMK PAU Certification
On Wednesday, March 20, 2024, PT Serasi Logistics Indonesia (SELOG) was awarded the Safety Management System of Public Transportation Company (SMK PAU) certificate in a.
SELOG, the Only Logistics Company with PAS 99
In August, Serasi Logistik (SELOG Group) and all its branches completed the PAS 99 (Publicly Available Specification 99) recertification. PAS 99 is the standard of Inte.
SELOG Receives the Kaizen B2B Best Sub-Depot Award
PT Serasi Logistik Indonesia (SELOG) was awarded the Kaizen B2B Best Sub-Depot during the annual meeting conducted by PT Toyota Astra Motor (TAM) SPLD Services Log.