TRAC Educates on Safe Driving in #TriptoSafety Campaign

Serasi Autoraya (TRAC), through its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) team, educated journalists on a driving safety program called “Ayo Aman Berlalu Lintas” (Let’s Keep Our Roads Safe) at an open-air pavilion at Rest Area KM 456 last November. This program is part of Astra’s #TripToSafety collaborative campaign, aiming to raise awareness of travel and road user safety.

This aligns with sustainable development goals (SDGs), especially point 3 for health and welfare by lowering traffic accidents and point 11 on building safe and eco-friendly transportation.

Ridwan Ika Purwoko, a professional trainer from TRAC, led a sharing session on safety driving, which is part of the Indonesia Ayo Aman Berlalu Lintas (IAABL) initiative. He revealed that more than 60% of traffic accidents are caused by risky behaviors. “Driving safety is not just about following the rules, but also showing empathy on the road. By prioritizing mutual safety, we can create a safer and more comfortable road environment,” said Ridwan.

Through this campaign, TRAC shows its commitment to increasing public awareness of traffic safety and supporting sustainable transportation development in Indonesia for a brighter future.
