Effective Resolutions: Strategies for Success

Defining a Resolution

New Year’s is a great time for self-reflection, setting new goals, and chasing dreams you’ve put off. That’s why most of us make resolutions at year-end to be achieved in the following year.

By definition, a resolution is a commitment to yourself or a decision to do something, especially to improve your behavior or lifestyle in the coming year, with three main benefits:

  • To set goals that are the most important part of life, like a map that gives direction to the destination and the path to take

  • To become motivated and enthusiastic to reach other resolutions

  • To encourage self-reflection in finding out which achievements have been successful and which haven’t

However, not all resolutions are easy to achieve. Research shows that only about 8% of resolutions are successfully realized. The rest are just dreams and broken promises.

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The key to achieving resolutions is motivation and consistency. To keep your resolutions from becoming just wishful thinking, here are some tips to achieve them.

4 Effective Tips for Achieving Your Resolution

Set Realistic Goals

If your resolutions are too ambitious or unrealistic, they’ll lead to frustration and affect your life negatively.

For example, if you resolve to save enough money to retire in five years, that’s simply not realistic. Instead, set a more achievable goal, like saving Rp1 million per month and sticking to it throughout the year.

Focus on What Matters

Make sure your resolutions are really important to you. Avoid making resolutions out of self-hatred or regretbecause these kinds of reasons usually don’t last.

You’re more likely to achieve your resolutions by thinking about what’s good for you, trying to change your lifestyle, and getting assistance from people who can support your resolutions.

Be Specific

Your resolutions should be very clear and specific. For example, if you want to lose weight, don’t just say, “I want to lose weight.”

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Set a specific target: how much weight you want to lose and by when. This way, you can measure and track your progress.

Record Your Progress

Recording progress in achieving a resolution can help you see how far you’ve come.

For instance, if you resolve to buy a house or renovate your current one, record your monthly savings. Track any progress you’ve made toward achieving your goal, such as choosing a location, saving for a down payment, deciding on the renovation design, and so on.

Now you know not only how to make but also to achieve resolutions properly. And one of the most common resolutions is about a dream career or job.

You need to ensure the company you’re applying to promotes a positive work culture and provides guaranteed career growth.

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Choose a company with a good reputation and credibility in its field, like PT Serasi Autoraya, or SERA. Part of the Astra Group, SERA has been in business since 1990, specializing in transportation and logistics industry, and is the parent company of TRAC, SELOG, and IBID.

For more information about SERA and job opportunities, visit its official website:, or click on this link:

Don’t forget to follow SERA’s social media on Instagram @serasiautoraya and Linkedin Serasi Autoraya for the latest news and career tips.
