Make Sure You Don’t Forget These Key Elements in Your Resume

There is no standard rule on how to make a curriculum vitae (CV) or resume for a job application. However, a CV is important because it shows who you are when applying for a job.

Its quality plays a vital role in whether you can enter the next stage of your job application.

Read on to learn the key elements you shouldn’t miss to make your CV as engaging as possible for the recruiters.

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7 Key Elements in Your Resume for Job Application

Personal Details

The personal details include your full name, email address, and phone number. Use your full name in your professional email address.

You can write your domicile address, but it doesn’t need to be a full one. Check out this article to help you make a good personal detail: Creating An Attractive and Effective CV for A Job Application.


Describe yourself briefly and clearly. Write one to two paragraphs highlighting your skills. Use persuasive sentences so that companies are interested in you. List skills relevant to the position you’re applying for.


Should you want to include information about your education in your CV, it’s better to mention only your recent or the highest level of education. No need to list your education from kindergarten to university levels.

Write your campus name, major, graduation year, and GPA. You can also highlight your honors graduation on your resume to add value.

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A fresh graduate without work experience can include information about the organization (on or off campus), internship, or part-time work experience.

What if the part-time work is not relevant to the job you are applying for? Can it be included? No problem. It shows how you work seriously and persistently.


List the skills relevant to the position you’re applying for. Mention other relevant skills, such as foreign languages, computers, or software (like Java, Python, etc.), and so on.

List only the skills you’re really good at. Don’t even think of lying or boasting about the skills you lack. Doing so will only backfire and trouble you in the future.


References should be included in your CV because they contain testimonies or recommendations from your former superior. This way, the recruiter will be more convinced of your track record. Fresh graduates can include references from their academic advisers or internship supervisors.


Attach your best photo to make your CV more engaging. Certain job vacancies require the applicants to look attractive, such as hotel front officer or bank frontline.

The photo you attach will help the recruiter to decide. Use your best semi-formal photo. No need to exaggerate your style, but try not to look stiff and monotonous, either.

See also: Join Astra Group’s SERA for Exciting Career Prospects This September 2024!

Now that you’ve learned about these key elements, ensure to include all of them in your CV before sending it to your dream company.

You also need to make sure that the company has positive work cultures and clear career paths. Choose a reputable and credible company in its field, such as PT Serasi Autoraya, or SERA.

Founded on 22 March 1990, SERA has becomethe leader in Indonesia’stransportation and logistics industry. The company, which is under the Astra Group, regularly recruits employees to fill various positions.

SERA continues to provide opportunities for individuals qualified for positions at the company and its subsidiaries.

For more details about jobs at SERA, visit its official website or click on this direct link:
