Want to Bid at IBID? Here Are the 3 Types of NPL You Need to Know

The heart of any auction, including car auctions, lies in the bidding process.  The highest bid, if unchallenged, determines the final price.

That’s when the price is set, so you must stay alert to other bids to increase your chances of winning.

To participate in the bidding process, especially at IBID, you must have an Auction Participant Number (NPL).  The NPL allows you to place bids on items such as used cars, motorcycles, lifestyle products, heavy equipment, and scrap.

You can use your NPL to bid through the IBID website or app. Each NPL is valid for one item or lot only. To obtain an NPL, a deposit is required, which can be paid through a virtual account or e-wallet.

See also: Closed Auction: New Auction Method at IBID

The deposit amount varies based on the item. For example, the deposit is Rp5 million for used cars, Rp1 million for used motorcycles, and Rp200,000 for lifestyle items.

If you win, the deposit is applied toward the final payment.  If you lose, the deposit is fully refunded.

3 Types of NPL at IBID

  • NPL Live is used in Live Auctions  for cars and motorcycles. 

  • Meanwhile, NPL Timed is used in Timed Auctions,  which last 1-3 days.

These auctions typically feature motorcycles, lifestyle products, and heavy equipment (HVE), with varying deposit amounts depending on the item.

To buy NPL Live or Timed,  select a car or motorcycle, then click NPL Live. Choose the auction location, schedule, and the number of NPLs you need.

Check the purchase details carefully before making your payment. Once confirmed, you’re ready to start bidding.

  • NPL Closed is exclusively for Closed Auctions, which focus on scrap with two rounds of bidding. The deposit for NPL Closed varies by lot and is only available for purchase through the IBID app.

See also: An Easy Guide to Sell Your Electronics at IBID Auctions

That’s a quick overview of the 3 types of NPL at IBID, designed to help you participate more easily and efficiently. About IBID.

IBID is a business unit of PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA), serving as an auction house for various items, including used cars, motorcycles, office supplies, and heavy machinery. For more information about IBID’s auctions, visit the official website at, or download the IBID app from the Play Store and App Store.

Follow IBID on social media: Instagram @ibid_balailelangserasi; Facebook: IBID - Balai Lelang Serasi; TikTok: @ibid_balailelangserasi; YouTube: IBID - Balai Lelang Serasi; and X (formerly Twitter): @ibid_lelang.
