Small Kindness, Big Impact: Embracing Humanity Through the “SERA Berbagi” Program

“Life becomes the most beautiful when we can share kindness and happiness with others”

For PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA), sharing is a commitment and hope to move forward together with the whole community within and outside the company. This commitment is manifested in the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program called “SERA Berbagi”. Throughout April, SERA distributed food and aid to more than 340 beneficiaries, including orphanages, nursing homes, street cleaners, and other beneficiaries. The program was held in 3 locations: Grha SERA Sunter, Grha TRAC Condet, and Grha TRAC Cikarang. SERA not only shares kindness but also builds and strengthens a warm relationship between the company and the community through several activities.

On 4 April 2024, SERA paid a special visit to two orphanages in Jakarta, Al-Amanah Nusantara Orphanage & Islamic Boarding School and Hajjah Andi Hasmah Noor Foundation. During the visit, SERA distributed material donations such as basic necessities packages and other basic needs. There were various heartwarming activities, such as a story exchange session with the teenagers at the orphanages about their dreams and hopes. They enthusiastically talked about their dreams to be a volleyball athlete, sailor, teacher, chef, and CEO. During the session, the Head of CGASRHSSE Division, Happy Wibowo, motivated them to study consistently and strive for a bright future.

On the next day, SERA provided donations in the form of basic necessities packages and funds as a token of appreciation and gratitude for the efforts done by street cleaners, garden keepers, office assistants, cleaning service, and drivers, as they are the ones who maintain the comfort and cleanliness of the environment. The basic necessities packages comprise rice, cooking oil, sugar, canned sardines, instant noodles, and other necessities. These donations are expected to motivate them to work towards a better and sustainable future.

 SERA hopes that “SERA Berbagi” can help the communities around the company and realize its sustainable social responsibility.
