Pros and Cons of Being a Job Hopper

Job hopper is a term for an employee who frequently changes jobs or employers. Maybe you once had a coworker who often moves to new companies in a short time. Or are you also a job hopper?

Amid the rapidly changing era, frequent job switches among people have become more and more common.

There are several reasons why people job-hop today, from the increasingly modern work trends, the need to adjust to in-demand careers, to simple boredom that craves new challenges.

So, what are the pros and cons of being a job-hopping employee? Will career inconsistency affect HR’s view of an applicant when they apply for a job at the company? Let’s check them out!

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The Factors

Job hopping is often negatively associated, and many people are too quick to judge without knowing the actual reasons behind the phenomenon, as follows.

Some people become job hoppers to achieve new targets. Once they have achieved an ambitious target in their previous company, they feel their contribution is sufficient to help the company meet its target, so they move to a new company to improve their capabilities and realize a new dream.

Meanwhile, others become job hoppers due to an unfavorable situation in their previous office, such as the company’s lack of support for the employee’s career development.

Job hopping is common among fresh graduates who have yet to understand the advantages and disadvantages of jumping jobs too quickly.

Another reason is the evolving times that have created more job opportunities in terms of the number of vacancies and types of jobs. Back then, jobs were few and far between, making it difficult for employees to move to new workplaces.

Business has grown so much today that the number of job vacancies has increased, as well. Various business innovations have also given rise to diverse new jobs we have never heard of.

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Those factors incite young employees to become job hoppers. After all, why not seize the moment when better opportunities present themselves?

Disadvantages of Job Hoppers

The society views job-hopping employees positively and negatively. Their presence also has advantages and disadvantages, just like a two-sided coin.

It’s surely a disadvantage for the job-hopping employees to be viewed negatively by the recruitersand to have their loyalty questioned.

Furthermore, the company assume that they are not ready to enter the professional world because they tend to change their mind easily when faced with challenges or pressures.

This job-hopping attitude is deemed unfavorable because while companies must invest effort, time, and money to recruit employees, all of these go to waste when the employees resign and move to another company only in a short time.

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Advantages of Job Hoppers

With that said, it doesn’t mean that job hoppers don’t have their advantages or positive sides. Since they are becoming more commonly found, recruiters will have to adapt and look into the positive sides.

Job hoppers have worked in many companies, and they often have a wider network and relationships, which can be a good thing for the company where they’re currently working.

They are also deemed to have vast experience from various companies where they’ve worked. Those experiences can be a foundation for finding the correct and effective solutions for every problem they face at work.

Another advantage job hoppers have is that they usually master various fields thanks to their experiences in jumping between companies and jobs, such as working as a copywriter in one place, and a content strategist in another.

This advantage can surely help develop their soft skills and hard skills, which ultimately makes them the total package for a more complex profession in the future.

You’ve learned about the pros and cons of job hoppers in the workplace. The choice is yours: To gain broader experience by becoming a job hopper or to develop deep expertise by being a loyal employee.

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The most pivotal thing in looking for a job opportunity is learning the company’s background and work culture. Choose a company with a good reputation and credibility in its field, like PT Serasi Autoraya or SERA.

SERA was founded on 22 March 1990 and has become the leader in Indonesia’s logistics and transportation industry. Every year, this Astra Group's company welcomes new members to fill various positions.

SERA continuously provides opportunities for individuals qualified for positions at the company and its subsidiaries.

For further details about job opportunities at SERA, visit its official website:, or click on this direct link:

Don’t forget to follow SERA’s social media on Instagram @serasiautoraya and Linkedin Serasi Autoraya for the latest career tips and job openings.
