Exercise Recommendations During Fasting to Stay Healthy

Maintaining your health and physical well-being is crucial during fasting in Ramadan month. Your daily responsibilities, like work and other activities, must continue as usual despite fasting.

Engaging in physical activity is one way to stay healthy. Considering that the body goes without intake for approximately 13 hours, what exercises are safe, and how can they be done during fasting?

According to health and fitness experts, exercising during Ramadan can help maintain physical health when done appropriately. Several types of exercise are recommended. Let’s go deep on them below.

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7 Recommended Exercises for Staying Healthy While Fasting


Yoga is a low-intensity exercise that can be easily performed at home and doesn’t require significant exertion. A combination of breathing techniques and stretching postures promotes muscle flexibility, mental relaxation, and improved sleep quality.


It’s highly recommended for those of you who are observing fasting. As a light exercise, strolling is highly beneficial for maintaining overall health, especially for the heart, bones, and muscles.


Pilates is a physical training method that focuses on rehabilitation and body strengthening.

This exercise promotes a synergy between mind and body and helps you feel revitalized for your daily activities.


When fasting, opting for short cycling distances over long ones helps conserve energy and prevent exhaustion.

It’s an excellent way to burn fat and calories, improve cardiovascular health, and tone muscles.

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Cycling during pre-iftar (breaking the fast) can induce a sense of tranquility, leading to a more relaxed and peaceful mind.


Jogging is a simple exercise that can be done either in the morning or evening. It helps maintain cardiovascular health by promoting smooth blood circulation.

Moreover, jogging maintains muscle flexibility and strength, leading to enhanced health and reduced fatigue.

Tai Chi

Apart from its gentle method, Tai Chi is accessible to anyone. You can even practice it anytime, whether before suhoor (pre-dawn meal), during fasting in the morning, or before iftar in the evening.

It’s not only good for your respiratory system, but it also keeps your muscles strong, blood circulates smoothly, and your heart healthy.

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Sit-Up and Push-Up

These exercises are easily accessible to anyone, anywhere, and anytime.  Although the movements are simple, both exercises are believed to maintain cardiovascular health by promoting smooth blood circulation.

Additionally, they help strengthen muscles throughout the body, reducing fatigue even during full-day activities.

Maintain Nutritious Intake During Suhoor and Iftar

When exercising during fasting, a crucial aspect to consider is maintaining a nutritious diet at suhoor and iftar.

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This includes consuming adequate amounts of carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats, as well as staying hydrated to prevent dehydration.

Remember to prioritize adequate sleep, aiming for 6 to 8 hours of quality sleep. Lack of sleep can impair bodily functions, causing fatigue and tiredness.

Prioritizing physical health while fasting is essential to maintain productivity at work and other responsibilities. After all, work is considered as an integral part of worship.

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