Beware of These Signs of a Toxic Work Environment

A perfect workplace is probably the dream of every worker in this world. But its presence is almost impossible, and you must be so lucky to be part of it. A work environment will naturally have its positive and negative sides as long as they’re still acceptable.

However, it’s undeniable that a lot of work environments have more negative than positive sides, causing workers to feel insufficiently supported due to unfair competition.

Nowadays, it is called a toxic work environment. The word ‘toxic’ itself is a medical term meaning ‘containing poison.

In social life, such as professional life, it refers to a bad relationship, connection, or environment for individuals or groups, which can cause a negative feeling.

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A toxic work environment is thus a workplace where the culture is bad and harmful to the employees’ mental health.

Such an environment can weaken the employees, causing a lack of self-confidence, trauma, and other mental health disorders. It puts the employees under pressure and leads to their resignation.

What are the signs of a toxic work environment? How should we deal with it? Check out these tips.

4 Signs of a Toxic Work Environment

Low Wage

Everyone at the workplace has duties or responsibilities. They deserve wages for their performance in completing the assigned duties.

However, a lot of employers pay salaries or wages below the Provincial Minimum Wage (UMP) determined by the government.

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This is a sad fact, considering that employees have performed well or even exceeded expectations. Should it happen to you, immediately talk to your HRD staff or superior to improve your working conditions.

Frequent Belittlement

Nobody wants to be underestimated. A healthy work environment usually guarantees good communication. It might almost feel like communicating with family members.

However, you won’t experience that in a toxic work environment: you are not listened to when talking, your ideas are rejected for unprofessional reasons, or you are insulted in a forum.

Crab Mentality

Have you ever heard of the crab mentality? It is derived from what crabs do when they are in a bucket. Instead of helping others to escape, they hold each other back to die together.

It happens to employees in a toxic work environment. Employees with a crab mentality don’t want another employee to move forward, promoting unfair competition. They will do anything to make their colleagues fall.

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Rumormongering is indeed harmful. A good colleague surely would not talk about another colleague behind their back. To avoid it, avoid becoming too attached to your coworker. Such an attachment might cause a backlash, mainly if some interest is at play.

How to Avoid a Toxic Work Environment 

After knowing the signs of a toxic work environment, let’s learn how to avoid it. Here is what you can do.

Separate Your Work and Personal Life

Whatever happens in your professional life, avoid sharing it at home, in your personal life, or on your social media. You must avoid talking about your problem easily with anyone not related to the problem.

Should you need someone to talk to, choose a trusted one who can offer good advice and constructive criticism.

Dare to Say No

Practice the courage to say ‘no’ when assigned an additional and burdensome task. Make sure to prioritize yourself and your health. Separate your work and personal life, regardless of how close you are to your colleagues.

Apply for Another Job before Resigning

Your career is important, but your mental health should be prioritized. If you think you are suffering from a toxic work environment, resigning may be a good solution.

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Nonetheless, make sure to look for another job before leaving yours. If you think of taking a short break, consider it carefully before doing so.

Being in a toxic work environment is indeed frustrating. It can interrupt the prospect of your career and undermine your health.

The most important thing when looking for a job is to learn the background, culture, and work environment of a company. Choose a reputable and credible company in its field, such PT Serasi Autoraya or SERA.

Founded on March 22, 1990, SERA has become the leader of the transportation and logistics industry in Indonesia. Every year, this Astra Group’s company welcomes new members to fill various positions.

SERA continues to provide opportunities for individuals qualified for positions at the company and its subsidiaries.

For more details about jobs at SERA, visit its official website or click on this direct link
