Monthly Car Rental: A Solution for Using a Car Without Worrying about Maintenance

Today’s digital era requires speed, punctuality, and efficiency. For this reason, means of transportation or vehicles are necessary to do activities while meeting those three requirements. Vehicles allow easier and faster daily mobility.

Such an appeal never fails to attract people to purchase them as they become must-haves. However, it’s best to consider cost-effectiveness before buying a vehicle, particularly a car.

It would be best to be more careful when planning to use the car only in the city for the short run. A practical solution for you would be a monthly car rental.

4 Benefits of Monthly Car Rental

There are at least four benefits of monthly car rentalas follows:

See also: Benefits of Renting a Car for Your Business

Cost Savings

Monthly renting a car can give you the vibe of owning one without buying one. What’s more, there’s no need for you to pay its annual taxas the rental company will pay for it.

Greater Flexibility

Monthly car rental allows you to use different cars at will. When bored with a rented car, you can choose another car that attracts you. This is possible because a rental company usually offers specific plans to replace the car you rent with another type of car.

On the other hand, the car you buy depreciates each year, resulting in a loss when you sell it.

No Need for Maintenance

The maintenance of a monthly rented car is the rental company’s responsibility instead of the customer’s. The same thing applies to the rented car’s damage: there’s no need for you to take the damaged car to a workshop. Instead, you’ll be offered a replacement car during the maintenance.

Assets Depreciation Prevention

As a regularly used movable asset, it’s only natural that a car depreciates. A car owner suffers a loss due to asset depreciation over time. Such a thing won’t happen when you rent a car.

See also: What Are Safe and Reliable Car Rental Services?

Tips on Monthly Car Rental

Take several steps before renting a car to ensure the vehicle’s good condition, excellent service and support from the rental company, and a reasonable rental price. 

Do Research

Do thorough research on rental companies in your area.

Read the Terms and Conditions

Carefully read the terms and conditions, particularly the rights and obligations of a renter and rental company.

Do a Market Price Survey

Compare prices for monthly car rental, including car rental with a driver, in your area.

Check Car’s Condition

Check thoroughly the condition of the rented car before it is handed over to you. If you find any problem with the car, immediately call the rental company for the solution.

See also: Looking for Rental Cars for Your Company? Make Sure to Pick Ones Suitable for Your Operational Needs

Monthly Car Rental at TRAC

It’s easier and better for you to choose a reputable rental company. When it comes to a trustworthy rental company, TRAC is the answer.

TRAC is a business line of PT Serasi Autoraya, a part of Astra Group, and the largest rental company in Indonesia. For more than 36 years, TRAC has provided a variety of motorbikes, cars, and buses.

In addition, TRAC always provides the newest and well-maintained cars. TRAC offers complete services, including 24hr customer service.

With TRAC’s networks across Indonesia’s big cities, its services can easily be booked. You can use TRACtoGo which is available on Play Store and App Store. You can also book from the reservation on the TRAC website.

Go to the official site or follow TRAC on Instagram @trac_astra, Facebook TRAC-Astra Rent a Car, and Twitter @TRACastra for more information about monthly car rental.
