5 Steps for Writing a CV the Easy and Simple Way

Finding a job that matches your skills and interests can be challenging, but don't let that put you off. The first thing you can do to land your dream job is to prepare a compelling curriculum vitae or CV.

Also known as a resume, a CV is an important document to describe yourself briefly to recruiters. It gives the company you’re applying to a chance to know you better.

That’s why making your CV as interesting as possible, visually and content-wise, is important. You need to consider a couple of things when drafting your CV. Here’s our simple guide to making a high-quality CV—no muss, no fuss.

Choose the Right Format

Before working on your CV, choose the format you want to use. The most common ones include chronological and functional CVs and a combination of both. Pick the one that works the best for your experience and the job you’re aiming for.

Mind Your Personal and Contact Details

The first thing you need to give prominence to in your CV is the personal details. Be sure to include not only your full name and address but also a phone number and an email address you use actively. Out of all email addresses you have, pick the one that looks professional and avoid using one that is inappropriate.

Be Clear and Concise

Your CV should succinctly describe who you are, your educational background, and your previous job experience. Use simple sentences and avoid verbose language to make recruiters understand you better. Steer clear of meaningless and irrelevant words.

Be Specific About Your Education and Experience

The cornerstone of your CV is your education and experience. List and describe your education and how it relates to the job you’re applying for.

If you have previous work experience, briefly describe your roles, responsibilities, achievements, or any other amazing things you achieved in your previous company.

But, if you lack work experience, consider highlighting impressive activities from your college years on your CV. Non-formal activities also work. Explain how you contributed to the activities.

Proofread and Revise

Before submitting your CV, be sure to dot the i’s and cross the t’s. Check your CV for grammatical and spelling errors, and make sure you choose the right format. Ask friends or relatives you can trust for advice and feedback.

If important details are still missing from your CV, don’t forget to add them to make it as professional and excellent as possible.

With all the steps above, you can easily craft a more readable CV. These tips will make you shine among other job applicants and increase your chance of getting your dream job.

Bear in mind that your CV is how you represent yourself to recruiters. So, make a point of creating a great first impression and putting the effort into aspects that really work in your favor.

It’s so easy to make a compelling CV, right? Now that you know how to craft a career-ready CV, it’s time to hunt for job opportunities at established companies like PT Serasi Autoraya.

Founded on March 22, 1990, the company has become the largest in Indonesia’s transportation and logistics industry. This Astra Group’s company constantly seeks new talent to join the team in various positions.

SERA provides opportunities for individuals qualified to secure positions at the company and its subsidiaries.

For more details about career opportunities at the company, visit its official website at or click on this direct link:
