IBID Blogger Youtuber Gathering 2023

Balai Lelang Serasi (IBID), a subsidiary of Serasi Autoraya (SERA), held a gathering with bloggers and vloggers on Thursday, 31 August 2023, at IBID Head Office, Pulogadung Industrial Estate, with more than 30 participants attending.

This offline event opened with a welcoming remark from the Corporate Communication & Marketing Division Head of SERA, Fransisca. “Thank you very much for attending IBID Blogger Youtuber Gathering 2023 today. Through this event, we try to promote and educate the general public about auctions and particularly about IBID, a reputable auction house in Indonesia,” said Fransisca. 

The opening continued with an introduction of IBID’s board of management and a showing of videos of IBID’s profile, auction methods, and Astra Car Valuation (ACV) inspection service at IBID. All participants were then invited on a company tour and took part in a simulation of the car inspection process with Astra Car Valuation (ACV). Afterward, Daddy Doxa (President Director of IBID) and Wisnu Pryasto (Head of Digital, Marketing, and Product Development of IBID) engaged the participants in a Q&A session. The gathering then proceeded with quiz and game sessions before coming to a close with the announcement of the games’ results, a photo session, and lunch. 

Besides getting closer with bloggers and Youtubers community, IBID wished to introduce itself and the auction business in general to a wider audience through this gathering. The company wanted to be better known as a trusted auction house that has helped promote the growth of the auction industry in Indonesia. 

See you in IBID’s next blogger and Youtuber event!
