The Positive Impacts of the Upcoming Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Train

The government plans to officially launch the operation of Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Train (KCJB) in this October for the latest. An operational testing was conducted on last June 22, starting from Halim Station, Padalarang Station, to Tegalluar Station, and going back successfully to Halim Station.

This mode of transportation is expected of be an alternative for people who travels Jakarta to Bandung or vice versa for any kinds of business.

The speed of the train that could reach 350km/hour and its punctuality offers an advantage for you to grab.

With its specialized railway, this high-speed train will give you comfort while taking a traffic-free journey. This is where effectiveness and efficiency of a travel begin, timewise.

Two things that are essential to maximize the productivity of yours Especially for who you need business trips rather regularly.

See also : Government’s Strategy in Modernizing the Transportation and Logistics in Java Island

It is said that ‘time is money’, so a business trip is a trip that supposedly will also boost and maximize company’s benefits.

Moreover, in this tight business competition, it is a must to always expecting efficiency in all aspects, to gain speed and punctuality wherever you are.

Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Train Gives Positive Impacts for Business People

Therefore, this Jakarta-Bandung high-speed train will give significant impacts, especially to avoid bad traffics which is a common thing in big cities like Jakarta, Surabaya, Bandung, and others.

A recently released research by TomTom International called TomTom Traffic Index shows that back in 2022, Jakarta was ranked 29th among cities with bad traffic flow in the world, worse than 2021, when Jakarta was ranked 46th. So, the traffic flow in Indonesia’s capital city is getting more concerning than before.

Obviously, bad traffic flow doesn’t only consume a lot of time, but it also hinders the economic growth due to poor performance of the productivity.

Whereas in fact, Indonesia, through the Government Work Plan Arrangement 2017, has targeted to increase the annual average national economic growth up to 7 percent in 2030.

See also : The Big Role of Logistics in the Distribution Process

The Launch of High-Speed Train Proves the Serious Commitment in Modernizing the Transportation System

Therefore, modernizing the transportation facilities is a must for Indonesia. Not only modernizing the transportation for people, but also for logistics purpose.

The distribution of materials for industries and of products for consumers plays a crucial role in solidifying economic growth.

If the distribution is hindered, the economic cycle will get stuck and it will lead to the decrease of national economic growth.

Business people, the government, and the related stakeholders must have realized that there is a correlation between national logistics distribution and economic cycle or business cycle.

See also : The Collaboration of Transportation and Logistics in the Economic Growth

Experienced Transportation Service Provider

Besides the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed train, which is predicted to give direct impact to the growth of businesses, the transportation and logistics sector also has another important role.

It is a role to maintain the effectiveness and the efficiency of the distribution activity. Hence, it’s very important to choose an experienced transportation service provider.

If you are looking for the most reliable transportation and logistics company in Indonesia, PT Serasi Autoraya or SERA is the answer. Astra International business group has been engaging in the transportation sector since 1986, and now had branch offices in more than 26 cities across Indonesia.

To learn more about SERA’s profile and its services, visit its official website at
