For Your Convenience, Here Are Recommendations for Cars to Use for Your Mudik to Celebrate Lebaran

What Cars to Use For Your Mudik to Celebrate Lebaran, Check Out These Recommendations

Most Indonesians are about to have their mudik trip to their hometowns to celebrate lebaran. The trip is an annual tradition despite the long distances.

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Therefore, you must prepare your vehicle to make your mudik safe, convenient, and memorable. Choosing the right ones to go on a journey is necessary for those who want to buy or rent cars. To make the right choice, follow these tips on choosing the right car for your mudik to celebrate lebaran.

Tips on Choosing Cars for Your Mudik to Celebrate Lebaran

Use an MPV

First, choose a car that best meets your needs. If you want to go on mudik with all your family members, a multi-purpose vehicle (MPV) is the first choice. This vehicle can carry more passengers and is more spacious.

A cozy cabin is key to a safer, more enjoyable, and more memorable journey as a long journey can be boring and tiring. It can be worse if the cabin is small.

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Consider the Car Suspension

Second, make sure that the car suspension is soft and safe. It plays a vital role during the journey as your car may run bumpy, pot-holed, or stony roads.

In that condition, the suspension cannot dampen shocks or vibrations when your car passes bumpy roads.

Otherwise, your car or passengers in the cabin will be shaken, and they will suffer from motion sickness, only to result in an unpleasant journey.

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Keep within Your Budget

Third, choose a car on your budget. This is to avoid overspending your budget on car operating costs, such as fuel, maintenance, and repair costs.

Make Sure Your Car is Ready

Fourth, ensure your car is ready for mudik before buying it.  Check whether its condition is good, and its price reflects its quality. You know that when the mudik season is around the corner, used car dealers set unreasonably high prices.

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Buy a Used Car for Mudik from a Trusted Showroom

To avoid it, it is best that you buy a used car from a trusted dealer or showroom. mobil88 is a credible and trusted used car showroom.

This showroom is owned by PT Serasi Mitra Mobil (a subsidiary of PT Serasi Autoraya). Every used car sold at mobil88 has been thoroughly inspected by certified and reliable inspectors.

The inspection results serve as a reference for guaranteeing the cars’ good condition to customers and for fair pricing of the cars for sale at mobil88.

See also: The Risks of Buying a Car That Has Been in an Accident

Thus, you can buy a used car at a fixed price without worrying about its quality, while certainly benefitting from a high-quality car. With over 30 years of experience, mobil88’s systems and procedures are professional and acclaimed.

The company now has 20 branches across big cities in Indonesia: Medan, Pekanbaru, Palembang, Balikpapan, Jakarta, Bekasi, Depok, Tangerang, Bandung, Semarang, Surabaya, and Denpasar. For more information about mobil88, visit its official website at
