These Are the Components You Have to Check Before Buying a Used Car

What Parts Do You Need to Inspect Before Buying a Used Car

Buying a used car has been an option for people to get the car they want. The price of a used car is less expensive than a new one, which is one of several factors that influence the decision to purchase one.

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However, even if you decide to purchase a used car, you must still consider its condition and documents. Not only do car parts or components that need to be taken into account, but also the validity of various car documents.

That is why, it is important to inspect the used car’s components and documents before making a purchase. Components are inspected not only to determine whether or not they are fully functional, but also to guarantee their quality.

In order to confirm the registration of the vehicle, you must also make sure that all required documentation is available. In fact, you also need to check the history and authenticity of the car you want to buy.

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Check These Components and Documents Before Buying a Used Car

1. Service Book

Reviewing the service book is very useful for understanding the car’s condition and maintenance history. This will be especially true if the car you consider is less than five years old.

By checking the service book, you can verify whether the car receives routine maintenance at an authorized service center. From the service history, you will also know which parts have been replaced over the years.

2. Body or Exterior

Examine every little detail of the car’s exterior or body. Do not fall for its shiny paint and flawless exterior, which give you the impression that there is nothing wrong with the car.

By inspecting the body lines and ensuring that it makes muffled sounds when you lightly knock it, for example, you can be sure that the car’s exterior is in good shape and has never been reconditioned. While you are at it, you can tell whether the car has been repainted.

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3. Underbody

When examining the underbody, look for any rusty patches and holes, rewelded joints, or oil leaks as these are signs of issues with the engine.

4. Floor

Examine the car’s floor to look for rusty and corroded patches. Since it is almost always covered with the carpet, the floor is damp and prone to rust and corrosion.

5. Interior

When it comes to the interior, you need to examine the ceiling, dashboard, door trim, and seats. Ensure that every part is intact and in good shape because their condition shows how the previous owner took care of the vehicle.

6. Gas and Brake Pedals

You can examine the gas and brake pedals by judging from the way they look or by pressing and releasing each one sequentially.

By doing this, you can tell whether the mechanisms still work. If they do not work or appear as they should, the previous owner probably did not take care of them seriously and properly.

See also: Reasons for Choosing a Used Car Over a New One

7. Engine and Standard Features

To check the engine, you can start the car and listen to the engine. Look for leaks in the engine’s water or oil. And check the engine’s oil level and condition.

As for the standard features, you need to pay attention to the audio system, defoggers, and fog lamps. Ensure that they are the factory default and have not been replaced by the aftermarket ones.

8. Maintenance Tools

The maintenance tools you need to check include, among others, spare tire, jack, lug wrench, and warning triangle. Make sure that these genuine tools are available.

9. Paperwork

Make sure that these documents are provided and are proven to be authentic. They include vehicle title (BPKB), registration certificate (STNK), and sales invoice documents.

Buy a Used Car from a Reputable Car Dealership

Admittedly, all the steps above demand specific skills and expertise from you. This means you need to look beneath the surface, beyond what is visible to you at a glance, i.e. you must inspect every little detail the car has.

If you do not have the required skills and expertise to look at the bits and pieces, it is highly recommended that you hire an experienced, trusted inspector to check the car. Indeed, this requires you to spend some extra cash, making you end up running over the budget.

However, if you do not want the additional charge it incurs, you should buy a used car at a trustworthy, reputable used car dealership. And mobil88 could be the answer.

As a used car dealer owned by PT Serasi Mitra Mobil (a subsidiary of PT Serasi Autoraya), mobil88 guarantees that none of the vehicles it sells have ever flooded or been in a collision. Every used car listed for sale at mobil88 has been thoroughly inspected by a team of certified and honest vehicle inspectors.

The inspection results serve as a reference used to guarantee the car’s condition, which will be informed to customers. The inspection results also determine the pricing; thus, a car is sold at a fair value.

With more than 30 years of experience, mobil88 has a professional work system and procedure recognized for its credibility.

Now, mobil88 operates more than 20 branches in major cities across Indonesia: Medan, Pekanbaru, Palembang, Balikpapan, Jakarta, Bekasi, Depok, Tangerang, Bandung, Semarang, Surabaya, and Denpasar.

To learn more about mobil88, please visit its official website at
