Here Are Some Tips To Buy Used Cars Safely!

When buying used cars, the condition of their exterior is not the only thing that matters. There are a lot of other factors that you need to consider. You need to do a detailed check so that you can get a quality car.


Even if the car’s paint is in excellent condition, you need to inspect the nuts of its body and the integrity of its panels. In general, cars have faint lines and several folds. You need to see the integrity of the lines.

All of the lines must be precise and converge. The left and right sides of the cars should also have the same folds. If something is missing or seems odd, there is a possibility that the body has been repaired as a result of an accident. Of course, it can also be the result of a sloppy paint job.

Fixing dull paint or scratches is relatively easy compared to fixing panels and dealing with missing nuts. Thus, be really careful when examining the car.

The frame behind the hood should not have any odd welding point. The left and right sides of it should be precise. In addition, when you run your finger along the frame, it shouldn’t be uneven. An original frame from the factory should be flat. It goes the same for the trunk lid. You need to examine those to avoid cars that have been affected by crashes.

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It’s important for you to check whether a car has been completely submerged in water or not. You can begin the process by sniffing the cabin. Usually, if a car has been completely submerged in water, a bad smell would emerge.

After that, pay attention to the colors of the door trim, seat, and dashboard. Even the headliner might become striped if it has been soaked in dirty water. After that, check all parts covered by rubber. There shouldn’t be any trace of mud, especially in the cable line that is usually located on the lower side of the door.


The most important thing is checking the dipstick oil. It’s fine if the color is black. Normally, the oil’s color is clear brown. If the color turns into that of a milk coffee, you need to carry out a repair as it means that there is a leak in the combustion chamber (the oil is mixed with water). It goes the same for the radiator reservoir, don’t let the color turn into that of a milk coffee.

Then, examine the part near the gasket for oil leaks or just dust. You need to touch it to ensure whether it is dirt or oil. This part of the engine block should be dry. Don’t forget to take a look at the gap to see whether there is any seepage or not.

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A nice car means nothing if its documents are incomplete. In fact, the unit might even be considered an illegal car and confiscated by the authorities if you can't show the required documents. BPKB (Proof of Motor Vehicle Ownership) and STNK (Vehicle Registration Certificate) are mandatory. Invoice and other documents are complementary.

Don’t skimp on checking the validity of BPKB and STNK. The chassis and engine numbers on STNK, BPKB, and the car itself must be the same. Dishonest sellers might tamper with them, even though the data in the documents are different from the car’s physical condition. In such case, you’ll get the short end of the stick. After doing that, examine the vehicle tax. If there is any tax due, check it via online platforms in accordance with the regions.


If you feel that you’re not knowledgeable enough, you better bring a friend or mechanic who knows a thing or two about cars. At least they will be able to warn you if they find odd things that might be detrimental in the long run.

If you don’t know anyone with adequate knowledge of cars, you can easily ask an expert from online platforms to come with you. Nowadays, such kinds of inspection services are everywhere. Usually, the expert will bring their equipment, meaning that the inspection will be quite detailed. The fee that you have to pay for such service is not much compared to the benefit you can get later on. 

Therefore, the best solution if you want to buy a used car is to choose a trusted dealer like mobil88 that has high standards when it comes to selling used cars to consumers. Cars in mobil88 have not been affected by crashes and floods. They also have an original odometer as well as legal and complete documents. Their chassis and engine numbers correspond to the documents.

In addition, mobil88 guarantees its product and service quality, which is contained in mobil88’s used car warranty book. The warranty book is a form of mobil88’s commitment to providing warranty for consumers as well as complementing the selection process, quality test, and used car transaction service carried out by the mobil88 team.

Buying used cars in mobil88 is hassle-free, as it is an experienced dealer and a business unit of SERA under the auspices of Astra. mobil88 currently owns 21 showrooms in 9 cities, namely Jakarta, Depok, Bekasi, Tangerang, Bandung, Palembang, Pekanbaru, Medan, Semarang, Surabaya, Denpasar, and Balikpapan.

You can also trade in your used car in mobil88, regardless of brands and types. You can do it easily in just 1 hour! So what are you waiting for, take a look at the stock of the cars here.
