mo88i Offers Cashback for Car Sellers

During the pandemic, the used car business is starting to shift to digital platforms. mobil88, one of the most trusted used car dealers in Indonesia, is no exception. mobil88 recently launched a new digital service in the form of mo88i, which provides a more secure and convenient solution for the purchase of used cars.

The mo88i (read: mobi) digital platform, which takes the form of a website and application, is a comprehensive e-commerce service for selling, buying, and trading in used cars.  The platform provides car inspection, offering price estimation, and submission in terms of vehicle financing and insurance services that have been integrated with Astra’s ecosystem.

Do you want to sell or trade your car in?  Use the mo88i platform, the process to do so is quick and easy. Experience the ease and convenience of selling and trading in used cars via mo88i’s website or application.

During its soft launch, mo88i offers multiple benefits, namely millions of electronic money and interesting prizes! This excellent offer only lasts until October 31, 2021.

Those of you who want to trade your car in will obtain more benefits. You can take your pick from the numerous quality used cars available. You can also go through a wonderful experience of selling a car online, easily, and in a time-saving manner. The car inspection process is free, and you don’t need to go out of the house for it.

Read the following terms and conditions to obtain the deal from mo88i!

  • The deal is only applicable if you fill out the car sales form via mo88i’s website or application.

  • The electronic money prize will be given in the form of Astrapay balance. The amount of balance varies in accordance with the price of the car being sold:

    • Car price < Rp200 million - Astrapay balance of Rp750 thousand

    • Car price of Rp200 million – Rp300 million - Astrapay balance of Rp1.5 million

    • Car price > Rp300 million - Astrapay balance of Rp3 million

  • The prices offered are in the form of various goods that will be given according to their availability.

  • All benefits will be provided 2 weeks after the car purchase process carried out by mo88i’s team is finalized

  • Requirements for the condition of the cars that will be sold:

    • The cars have never been in an accident that changes the structure of their chassis/frame.

    • The odometers have never been tampered with.

    • The cars have never been flooded.

    • The chassis and engine numbers are in accordance with the documents.

    • The cars’ documents are complete

    • The cars being sold are released in 2011 or later.

  • If you trade your car in, the benefits of the deal will increase, in the form of millions of rupiah of Astrapay balance.

Obtain multiple benefits by selling or trading in your used car. Do it at mo88i and enjoy the benefits right away! Click this link to sell your car.
