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In an effort to realize a company that is high-performing, complying to law, and practicing business practice that is clean and uphold ethics, SERA is committed to implementing GCG.
Whistle Blowing System is one of the important systems applied by SERA whose success is strongly influenced by the participation of all parties, and the full support from the leaders of the company.
SERA’s Whistle Blowing System includes the following five principles:
Based on the Decree No. 004/SK/DIR/SERA-CIARM/VII/2014, the company commissioned the Corporate Internal Audit Department (CIA) and the Violation Ethics Committee (VEC) for managing the Whistle Blowing System, that is by managing reports that goes in, communicating with the complainant, conducting interviews and the process of obtaining supporting information in order to implement the follow-up of incoming reports.
Wishtle Blowing System allows all SERA’s personnel and other stakeholders to be able to report alleged acts of infringement and fraud and other forms of ethical violations. The Company ensures the complainant’s anonymity and provides protection to the complainant.